What did you do in the Apiary today?

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I was stung on my neck by a hitchhiker I hadn’t noticed as I unzipped my veil…..after putting clearers on.
I trod on a bee last night... Somehow got into my shoe while I was wearing it whilst taping up some gaps between extracted shallows...
While putting extracted supers and incomplete frames back on colonies I dropped comb of honey on the ground from a top bar and stood in it.
Spilled diluted honey in feeder over the crownboard and down the front of the hive.
Much swearing from me, the beekeeper and much excitement in the apiary with this explosion of honey sources. Including extractor and uncapping tray being rinsed outside. !
#thinks# just pretend you know what you're doing.
Went out this morning to start clearing the supers in the out apiaries and had a little helper which was happily sunbathing while I sorted through the frames.
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I often get them in one of my apiaries, they love to hide under the roofs as well.
A day collecting the last of the supers and what a beautiful day. It started well as I had a treat overhead as I was loading the vehicle with a pair of Peregrine falcons shrieking and performing aerobatics, what a sight. I arrived at the farm to a Red Kite circling above the farmhouse and joined later by another and a pair of Buzzards.
The bees were in a delightful mood and very busy, enjoying the sun.
Second time today they did this!! They have a feeder on but obviously something is wrong!!


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A day collecting the last of the supers and what a beautiful day. It started well as I had a treat overhead as I was loading the vehicle with a pair of Peregrine falcons shrieking and performing aerobatics, what a sight. I arrived at the farm to a Red Kite circling above the farmhouse and joined later by another and a pair of Buzzards.
The bees were in a delightful mood and very busy, enjoying the sun.
I’ve just collected a few more supers this evening. Saw a large, probably buck hare and could hear a male Red Kite calling in the field next door.
Collected 16 shallows for extraction. Sadly with the hive at my parents, one of the three shallows I'd cleared had a hole in I hadn't spotted so the stack was being robbed. Unfortunately this meant the three formerly packed and very heavy shallows could now all be lifted as one. Will see what can be salvaged in the coming days- a fair amount of the honey from that hive was meant to be gifted as wedding favours for a friend and to my parents. That hive has one more shallow to remove so hopefully not all is lost. Looks like it could be a bumper year for one of my clients apiaries but we shall see once the honey is spun and jarred. Can't wait for extraction to be over!

On the bright side, I think a few people were confused on my way home, seeing the rear windscreen packed with bees leaving the boxes...
Shocking weather here in the roaring 40's at the moment, with the persistent wind and horizontal rain. Not too warm either, so it will be a quick check of all apiaries when it eventually clears. It had been a good August too. Winds are coming up from the Antarctic and the isobars are squashed over us with the hot weather in the north. Last day of winter in Brisbane today with 35c.
18m wave!
Same here but wasps!
The wasps have found a way into my honey extraction shed… agh.
Being at the end of the season my car inside has lots of bee poo all over the doors & windows…. any tips for bee poo removal?
Just been to collect some stuff from my honey room only to find that the bees from my adjacent hives seem to have found a way into it. Early tomorrow I’ll be sealing it up with gaffa tape!
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I think that is nearly as awful as Doug Pearce's beetastrophe!
Look at that bucket of drowned bees!
It seems the weather down here won't come right until Thursday when I'll be back to the bees, but it will turn colder tomorrow they say. Just a touch of snow on the mountains at the moment.
For those interested in ships, the orangey one is our Antarctic Icebreaker, the RSV Nuyina.


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I think that is nearly as awful as Doug Pearce's beetastrophe!
Look at that bucket of drowned bees!
Been to clean up this morning at 0545 before the bees were up. Most of the bees from last night had returned to their hives and the bees in the bucket were not drowned as there was only a few mm of honey in there.
Did a bit of a clean up and sealed up the door where they were squeezing through with gaffa tape.
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Same here but wasps!
The wasps have found a way into my honey extraction shed… agh.
Being at the end of the season my car inside has lots of bee poo all over the doors & windows…. any tips for bee poo removal?
Nylon scourer and elbow grease!

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