What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Was planning to go double brood on a 13th April nuc'd swarm (one of ours) that had gone to double brood box nuc on 13th May and then into a brood box + super last week. Found about 8 QC's over 3 frames, one sealed and the others all open. Found 'the queen' although she was missing the blue dot she had a couple of weeks ago (or was it a new queen - "couldn't be" we both said). Anyway, we popped her into a one handed Q catcher which we then placed in a nuc that we were putting together for an AS. Heard a strange noise coming from the nuc and my wife asked me whether my stomach was rumbling. "Nope" I said. We carried on and the same happened again. Do Q's make a stomach rumbling type noise ever? Anyway, marked and released her into the nuc with stores, sealed brood, frames and a couple of shakes of bees. Won't bore you with the further QC's at the next hive. It was getting dark, the QC's were smallish and not sealed so can deal with them over the weekend. Medicating with alcohol now.
Did you hear Q’s piping?
Should have put away my old nuc bait box. I left it sitting outside on a stack of supers and it's now buzzing with interest again. Wouldn't be surprised if another swarm arrives this weekend.
Of the three cast swarms that turned up last weekend, I had combined two, and a quick check today shows that both now have laying queens. I was able to spot and mark the queen in the combined swarm colony that's now on 6 frames, but typically I couldn't find the queen in the other colony that's only covering 3 frames! I'll get her next time!
Also checked my two main colonies. Both are piling in the honey, and hive A has brood on 13 out of 16 frames. B is still being left another week before a full inspection while they re-queen.
Very exciting day today. Glorious weather not even a breeze, ideal inspection weather. Went into the two hives I've been desperate to inspect but had to be patient as we were waiting to see if there were new queens. First hive saw eggs then the queen, a little beauty, first experience at marking, not brilliant as it smudged in the cage and changed to a murky grey colour!!! Then into the next hive couldn't find the queen as a lot more bees but lovely eggs, delighted. The other two hives were bought queens, the one ticking along nicely the other two whopping charged queen cells, unbelievable, could have been missed when we dispatched the other queen and added this one. Cut them out hoping they'll settle 🤞


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Busy early morning to get everything done before visiting the parents.

Hive 1 checked to see off the paper unite had worked all looked good with eggs seen in the bottom box. Bees were horrid tagging me three times can't wait for those to die off and the queen's genetics to take over.

Hive 2 restarted the demaree that had been paused during the cold snap.

Hive three and four supers added.

Hive five spotted eggs so new queen looks to have started laying.

6 and 7 left for another week before checking for eggs, by my dates the virgins should have emerged last Tuesday.

Combined a small swarm with a medium sized one.

The rescue colony from a tree fall earlier this year have been put into a full box.

Another swarm moved from a bait hive into a six frame poly nuc.

The final swarm has built comb but decided to do it in the dummy board.... Eggs in there though so will cut that out next visit.
was up and about early and as the morning was glorious and I had colonies that should have been checked days ago I went at it.
Demarree'd one at the home apiary (finally), I have failed to find this queen ever since she superseded last year and if I hadn't today it would have had to be a 'hard' Demarre as she was on eleven frames of brood but with no signs of wanting to swarm.
after lunch went to do the Gelli and Tŷ Uchaf apiaries - looks like the hawthorn may be drawing to an end as the bees weren't as frantic as they have been the past week and the local blossom is starting to brown off.
Last hive checked to day had a virgin in there but when I opened today I had three frames of brood, although not sealed yet.
Interesting day yesterday removed 4 queen's to nucs because colonys have gone into swarm mode the lack of drawn comb hasn't helped plus a really good flow of harwthorne and the clover has started.
Having a walk around there is a avenue of limes :sos:.
I also split a double at one site.
2 become 8, all good though I will see what the open mated queen's are like if there no good I will requeen them with some of my Clee stock. IMG_20210605_171146.jpg
The first three nucs are nuced queen's, split double, nuced queen behind, and there is a ripe cell in another nuc about to emerge.
SWBO had promised a friend (who is currently head of one of the local primary schools) that I'd do an outside talk with the kids, unfortunately 'visitors' are still not allowed so Nerys asked me for some video clips she could use to show them. The very last hive I got the perfect clip of one of my queens for her, fair play she had the patience to wait on the comp while I managed to unlock the phone and get the video going.


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Was checking swarms in my isolation apiary in a bee jacket and light work trousers. And after one got a bit frisky I noticed the familiar sharp pain between my legs!
It's at times like this that I wish still got swelling as a reaction to stings! :rofl:
Checked glencraigs apiary in pleasant sunshine and light breeze - wow. Bursting with activity, 'just in time' gave them more room. Don't think the hawthorn will give them much but there is plenty of bramble and other stuff nearby. I think the gorse has seen them through the worst weather.
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Checked all hives yesterday at both out apiaries and home. They are making up for lost time, no signs of June gap here in South Lincs. Added undrawn supers with Manley frames to allot of hives last week and all drawn perfectly and 1/2 full.
Did my first grafts of season on Saturday and only my second try, All 20 have been accepted after 48hours. Well pleased.
Just inspected 10 of mine,the near starvation conditions of May are a distant memory now,all hives piling in the nectar and drawing lots of comb. All queens laying very well.No swarming but some hives are pollen bound (is that a thing?) so gave them some empty combs to play with. The most striking thing today was how placid all the hives were,I could have done the whole lot without a suit on.
Inspected our strongest colony, have four supers on and lots of stores in brood and a half. Donated one frame of brood and two stores to another hive so ease up the congestion. Very placid a pleasure to inspect.


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Invited a friend round to have a look at my bees. She's got a small garden and has responded to someone on Facebook who wants somewhere to put a beehive. She doesn't know him and I think just wants more bees in her garden. I'm going to show her the size of a nuc and then the thousands of defensive bees I have in a hive with 4 supers to try and dissuade her.
Invited a friend round to have a look at my bees. She's got a small garden and has responded to someone on Facebook who wants somewhere to put a beehive. She doesn't know him and I think just wants more bees in her garden. I'm going to show her the size of a nuc and then the thousands of defensive bees I have in a hive with 4 supers to try and dissuade her.
Gods sake. Talk some sense into her
Also is she going to allow this “beek” unfettered access to her garden?
Invited a friend round to have a look at my bees. She's got a small garden and has responded to someone on Facebook who wants somewhere to put a beehive. She doesn't know him and I think just wants more bees in her garden. I'm going to show her the size of a nuc and then the thousands of defensive bees I have in a hive with 4 supers to try and dissuade her.

I currently have two hives and a nuc in our garden - in addition to my own. They belong to a last year newbie whose site has been lost due to an altercation between the local farmer and the landowner about what the bees were doing to his livestock. Three years ago, I provided the same service for another beek whose bees became so horrible they chased everyone within 50 meters and attempted to sting them to death- including the land owner.

Just quote those stories to her: they happen to be factual

(Our garden backs onto fields and bees are 50 meters from the house so we can avoid nasty bees easily.)