What did you do in the Apiary today?

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This still managed to get 103 replies and 2000 views on the latest thread...I haven't opened it as I thought it may save myself the tiny bit of sanity I have left!

well my view on that thread was to scroll down to read replies from JBM tbh :)
well my view on that thread was to scroll down to read replies from JBM tbh :)
He is a crafty one that JBM, gets himself a seat on the moderator's elite and can carry taking the piss with complete immunity.....now where have I seen that!
He is a crafty one that JBM, gets himself a seat on the moderator's elite and can carry taking the piss with complete immunity.....now where have I seen that!
Get with it man - I'm no longer a Mod - was stood down to keep the snowflakes and haters happy 😁 Anyway, was fed up of biting my tongue
Did another demaree on a very strong colony, looks like on the verge of starting to ’think’ about it.
lots of nectar and pollen being brought in. Most colonies entrances looking like a conveyor belt.
Dandelion explosion this year, fields and fields all around, most hive entrances painted yellow slightly.
Sycamores, Laurels & Bluebells also going strong.
I made a conversion for my solar wax extractor/melter (home made) using the base for a swivel chair after years of humping round to follow the sun. Will be so easy now. The wheels are not used for rotating the melter that is done on the angled pivot. I cut the seat etc off and then made a cut of the central tube to allow me to bend it to the correct angle and then re-welded it at that angle. The front legs are just for stability as getting the balance correct is critical. Slight lift of the front allows an easy rotation to follow the sun - luxury!! It takes 10 National frames at a time with the wax dripping into an underbed plastic storage box, runs through a slot at the bottom of the box filtered through 3 layers of J cloth on its way through the slot into a silicone collection loaf tin. It pops out of that easily when cooled.


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I made a conversion for my solar wax extractor/melter (home made) using the base for a swivel chair after years of humping round to follow the sun. Will be so easy now. The wheels are not used for rotating the melter that is done on the angled pivot. I cut the seat etc off and then made a cut of the central tube to allow me to bend it to the correct angle and then re-welded it at that angle. The front legs are just for stability as getting the balance correct is critical. Slight lift of the front allows an easy rotation to follow the sun - luxury!!
I’ve just showed that to Stan. He’s not impressed 😂😂😂😂 I wonder why?
But I am 👏👏👏
I made a conversion for my solar wax extractor/melter (home made) using the base for a swivel chair after years of humping round to follow the sun. Will be so easy now. The wheels are not used for rotating the melter that is done on the angled pivot. I cut the seat etc off and then made a cut of the central tube to allow me to bend it to the correct angle and then re-welded it at that angle. The front legs are just for stability as getting the balance correct is critical. Slight lift of the front allows an easy rotation to follow the sun - luxury!! It takes 10 National frames at a time with the wax dripping into an underbed plastic storage box, runs through a slot at the bottom of the box filtered through 3 layers of J cloth on its way through the slot into a silicone collection loaf tin. It pops out of that easily when cooled.
Oh my ... that is a work of genius, brilliant ... for two reasons:

1. My existing solar wax melter suffered terminal damage in the high winds a couple of weeks ago when a branch of the yew tree it was sheltering under broke off and landed on it.

2. I just happen to have the base of a swivel chair in the garage in my stock of things I know will be useful one day ...

I feel a project coming on but 'er indoors is not going to be happy as she thinks the chair went to chair heaven ....
Cold and cloudy today so only did a quick check on stores for 4 colonies. All are storing nectar in the supers. Some capped honey as well which surprised me given the recent weather! They are working OSR and dandelions. All colonies a bit tetchy....one especially aggressive.
Decided to tackle the brood box of cross comb, also decided I would chance it with trainers and a broken elasticated ankle cuff on the suit......may as well been nude break dancing in a nettle field :LOL:
Some ideas are better than others .... when you are up to your arse in alligators it's hard to remember that your original plan was to drain the swamp !
Where to start.
Got 15 colonies in an apiary I cannot get to atm due to flooding. Been like it for weeks.
Had to bite the bullet and deal with it today. The job had not been made easier by the foot deep tractor ruts in the track full of water.
Got 2 inspections done from one end and a hive at the opposite end swarmed. Had to go and get a nuc from the van and deal with that.
I had to carry everything from the van 400m up a hill after walking through 4 inches of water on top of 3 inches of mud.
Must of been up that track 20+ times fetching supers etc they get heavy after a bit.
Then halfway through inspecting a double brood colony the heavens opened, had to finish the inspection and close them up, walked back to the van now soaked to the skin.
Sat in the van for half an hour until it stopped then back up the hill to carry on.
Got to the penultimate hive and the last hive swarmed. ffs.
Back to the van for another nuc.
Got them in a nuc and said sod it.
Took me most of the day to do what should of taken a few hours.
Fed up doesn't come close.
Bee suit has mud up to the knees and needs washing again. Boots are wet and my back hurts.
Bloody beekeeping. lol.
You need to invest in an off road Land Rover 😁
:icon_204-2: :icon_204-2: :icon_204-2:
You're better off just sprinkling the sugar onto some mashed banana...
And serving it with some fresh full cream milk poured over it.
Or slice the banana onto a slice of buttered bread, sprinkle with sugar and place another buttered slice over it. I love banana sandwiches.
Terrific.....EFB has been reported near my farm bees :confused: I got an email from Bee-base.
I'm down at the farm today, so will be doing a complete inspection.
If you request a visit after getting a notice the SBI will come and have a look. I had a requested inspection last year.
Not always. I’ve had notifications for EFB in the local vicinity. Spoke with the local SBI who said they were too busy to inspect colonies on the outer edges of the 3km area.
Not always. I’ve had notifications for EFB in the local vicinity. Spoke with the local SBI who said they were too busy to inspect colonies on the outer edges of the 3km area.
Yes I think it depends on how busy they are. However they do have a quota of hives to inspect as I understand it.
I once spent a whole day visiting all my apiaries with my SBI to get their quota back on track! 😀