Got really confused. Last inspection 7 days ago and now...
Hive 1: 14x12 with one super, which they are not working. Found a single sealed QC, eggs and larvae but no queen (she isn’t marked so may have missed her). Presumed supercedure, cell left.
Hive 2: Single National after Bailey change, 3 supers. No signs of swarming, seemed happy enough and just drawing top super.
Hive 3: suspected queenless 14 days ago, added test frame of eggs. 7 days ago no QCs drawn, eggs found in other frames. Today, single cell on what was the test frame, brood in the hive but nothing capped. Knocked back the cell to see if a virgin is just getting going?
Hive 4: Drawing new box for Bailey and working the supers. 15+ capped QCs, no queen, eggs but none very upright, so maybe left yesterday? Knocked down all but one cell.
Hive 5: Doing well, drawing the new brood box for their Bailey change. But a bit evil, so queen needs to go!
Very odd today, don’t quite know what is going on with a number of the hives. Feel like seeing capped QCs means I missed something last time, but I’m pretty confident that I didn’t (and certainly not 15+!).