Queen Bee
Making up more six frame nucs to over winter, and a lot of mini nucs to shake out next week, these combined will make up more six frame nucs.
put clearer boards on two apiaries - bees are still piling in balsam nectar like nobody's business - but you have to draw the line at some point.
Checked the swarm I picked up last week. Thought a cast as small but eggs in lovely pattern seen today. Fed again.
All hives now have super under brood box... excluders out! Except one colony which am keeping to teach as demo next Saturday.
"Another one bites the dust" bits of beekeeping theory that is, but I guess they are general rules and this is an exception.
Began extracting - Association apiary finished this morning, then Carreg - disappointing with this one this season but a combination of that mediocre period and will do them the same time as the Brynmair heatherwhich set the brambles back gave them an unprecedented 'June(ish) gap' then the brambles were slow up there. The little beggars did find the other side of the grouse moor though so quite a bit of heather most of it came out with little bother and I've kept the other supers to one side to be addressed the same time as the Brynmair heather batch where I shall try my fleabay bargin new 'shiggle it about' needle heather loosener which nobody else spotted and I got for £30.00!!
Hospital appointment tomorrow morning so at it again for the Garn cottage stuff tomorrow afternoon.
My Poly brood and a half have nearly taken 20kg of 2/1 syrup in about ten days. Bit wary of offering more for fear of no space being left for brood.
The commercial brood have only sipped the 6kg I have left for them in the same time. Most still there. Strange. They are Q+.
My aim is a MINIMUM 20KG honey per hive...
Began extracting - Association apiary finished this morning, then Carreg - disappointing with this one this season but a combination of that mediocre period and will do them the same time as the Brynmair heatherwhich set the brambles back gave them an unprecedented 'June(ish) gap' then the brambles were slow up there. The little beggars did find the other side of the grouse moor though so quite a bit of heather most of it came out with little bother and I've kept the other supers to one side to be addressed the same time as the Brynmair heather batch where I shall try my fleabay bargin new 'shiggle it about' needle heather loosener which nobody else spotted and I got for £30.00!!
Hospital appointment tomorrow morning so at it again for the Garn cottage stuff tomorrow afternoon.