Had a phone call from a lady about a swarm in a village about 5 miles away. When we got there she explained that had come from a hive in her garden, which was a friends, the friend is a week into a two week holiday. The beekeeper had done an artificial swarm with the queen in a nuc with flying bees. Maybe a QC had been missed, was a good size swarm though. Looks like the bees took advantage. The swarm had settled 10 feet up a fir tree just over the fence, an easy catch. Now at home.
Inspected all hives at one apiary, moved one lot out of a nuc and put in a hive as they were on 4 frames of brood, and eggs starting to fill frame 5 on one side. Removed a super honey from one hive, added supers to another. The other nuc looks like it may be queenless, put in a test frame, if it is I will knock down all qc's and combine to the one just moved into a hive to give them a boost.
Went to our other apiary, inspected 5 hives, will do the other 5 today. Looked at my big hive, 10 out of 11 frames full of bias in both brood boxes and half the super above had bias, the super above that is being filled with stores. all the other hive doing well with some having supers added to them.
Had a quick peek at what looks like two cast swarms I picked up on a very cold Wednesday, I put them in the same nuc, still in two separate groups.
Love being busy with the bees.....got me out of doing the housework for the day