What did you do in the Apiary today?

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I see you've got a fair few bottle traps up there Goran, is that for Asian Hornet or similar? If so, what attractant have you been using?

Late in October was warm enough for wasps and cold for bees.. So I couldn't observe more wasps entering hives without doing something ( more psychological). Ordinary fruit syrup+apple vinegar+some water. Could be also beer+apple vinegar+and some water to qty.. But somehow beer ends in the other way. Beside wasps, hornets, moth also ends up in trap, I noticed more with cheapest orange syrup..
Hives busy today, but as to be expected at this time of the year none are coming with pollen, so are they just on cleaning flights or collecting water or just out for a fly around!
Left things well alone and drove over the Humber Bridge to make my first visit to Thornes to look at their candlemaking gear. The Satnav route seemed to go on for ever but finally arrived. Came away with three candle moulds, some wick and a can of silicon release spray.
I had a snack in the cafe and was pleased to find it most economic but tasty.
Hives busy today, but as to be expected at this time of the year none are coming with pollen, so are they just on cleaning flights or collecting water or just out for a fly around!

Bees bringing in pollen around here still.
the dog knocked a stack of supers chasing a squirrel and i thought...ahhh do it later but by 12:00 hundreds of the local feral black bee robbing out the super....shows the difference between black bees and brown and yellow Italians as the later was all tucked up in their hives
Like a lot of folk, I leave home in the dark and then leave work in the dark so there is currently no weekday hive viewing on my part but.... my father reports that most stocks are still taking the opportunity to bring in a bit of ivy pollen around midday.
On 8th September the BI visited and inspected my hives for annual post AFB check - all OK.

As part of their visit they took samples of my honey for the VMD and I received the results today. Both B1 Antimicrobial AMS1 and AMS3 tests were negative.

I assume that's it..
Hives very busy again today, put on mouse guards and woodpecker protection, they weren't very happy with me messing around with the entrance!!
Hives very busy again today, put on mouse guards and woodpecker protection, they weren't very happy with me messing around with the entrance!!

Pick a day when it is cool (i.e. not flying) to do that sort of thing. You'll find that they either don't bother coming out or go straight back in. A rainy day works too.
Woodpecker protection can easily be fitted from behind the hive.
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On 8th September the BI visited and inspected my hives for annual post AFB check - all OK.

As part of their visit they took samples of my honey for the VMD and I received the results today. Both B1 Antimicrobial AMS1 and AMS3 tests were negative.

I assume that's it..
That's good. I remember you talking about this some time ago
being its cool I decide to move two hives to a new location, I had to carry them two hundred yards and over a gate, I now know how to heft my hives, they don't need feeding they weighed a ton, one more hive to relocate there fogged the three will do the last when its there,
or like the farmer said if you can hang on a few minutes ill take them down on the tractor . doh

he was feeding the beast at the time