This is my FIRST, beekeeping duty, as I return to the hobby in six months, after my serious road traffic accident in January, where I was almost killed, and very lucky to be alive, thanks to French Engineering (Citroen and Michelin!). I now know first hand what it feels like to be a crash test dummy at 65 mph, slammed into a wall!
I've earned that T-Shirt!
which has meant, putting my life on HOLD. I also return to work next week, on a phased return to work, after six months signed off work. Now I'm signed fit for work!
Checked on cast swarm earlier this morning, they are still present. I will transfer to poly nuc, which I've currently painted with Cuprinol Shades Somerset Green, (my home County!) But for now, they can stay in-situ in the national, and see if they build up for over wintering.
Decided I would start a little feed 1:1, so took down a super, feeder, clear crown board with hole. I'll return this evening to fill.
They are very passive at present, but then again, three frames of bees, is not many bees!
I've spent some time lifting brood boxes and supers, and I now really feel poorly, hence my delay in transferring them today from national to poly-nuc, I'm just not up to manipulations, let alone the bees!
I stopped taking pain killers weeks ago, I thought they were not working, but they certainly do work.
I'm going to rest now, but I'm really glad to be back again, I've missed Beekeeping!
I think once it's in your blood.......