What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Was going to add the inner insulation in the hives this weekend. But neighbour spent pretty much all weekend on the roof of his new shed he built just the other side of the fence near the beehives. So didn't want to open up the hives with him so close.

Went in quickly at 6pm once neightbour had gone in, to top up syrup, but no inspection or suchlike. Will have to wait for next weekend to try again.

Why do you need to inspect - do you think there's a problem of some kind?
Went to my mile away garden apiary and moved the swarm colony (caught in June) from a wooden national hive to a poly one. Double brood box set up so two poly boxes. Couldn't bring myself to buy poly roof and floors so they are still wooden but put insulation in roof. Did the third vape on them and gave them 4 litres of thick syrup. They are quite light on stores so will have to feed again.
They are bringing in lots of bright orange pollen.
Noticed quite a lot of bees collecting beeswax over the last couple of days.

In the summer I noticed some bees with beeswax in their corbiculae which they used for plugging the mesh in the swarm box! What do you think your lot was up to?
If they are anything like mine they use it for very creative comb structures ... which at this time of the year tend to bridge the spaces between the frames at the top. Despite top insulation they seem intent on closing off the top of the hive as much as possible - winter preparation ?
If they are anything like mine they use it for very creative comb structures ... which at this time of the year tend to bridge the spaces between the frames at the top. Despite top insulation they seem intent on closing off the top of the hive as much as possible - winter preparation ?

That's what some of my bees are doing! Only the ones in a nuc...perhaps I will add some more insulation to it.
Pargyle...did you get your long hive finished? I don't remember seeing photos!
That's what some of my bees are doing! Only the ones in a nuc...perhaps I will add some more insulation to it.
Pargyle...did you get your long hive finished? I don't remember seeing photos!

Nope .. currently on the list of jobs ... but it's serving a good purpose housing all the spare frame parts that 'er indoors would otherwise be wondering about. I now have all winter to finish the modifications but have just ordered another Paynes Poly 14 x 12 and one of their 14 x 12 Poly Nucs and an eke for the Nuc - oh...and a few supers in the sale and they will be arriving in the next couple of days when I will face the Spanish inquisition ... as I've already sold a few jars the rack may not be fully tightened !

So ... apart from a few more frames I should have enough kit with the new polys and the Long Hive to get me through the first of the swarms next year ... where the hives will go is something else altogether ....
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Don't you hate it when first class service turns round and bites you in the ar$e

Had a day off today as SWMBO and I went to the Cardiff gin festival last night, both of us were just chilling out at home, although I did pop out to the chamber of secrets for a while to make room for my Maisie's delivery (ordered Thursday, told Friday it will be here Tuesday or Wednesday - perfect with SWMBO in work) I was just making lunch when SWMBO shouted there's a big lorry parked across the drive - you expecting a delivery? :hairpull::banghead:
All now stacked away ready for winter building - the pallet is with Teg next door ready for his wood burner.
Mixed up a batch of thymol emulsion and prepared a load of invert for feeding. Couldn't find any spare honey so I had to use some lecithin I had tucked way in the shed.
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Nope .. currently on the list of jobs ... but it's serving a good purpose housing all the spare frame parts that 'er indoors would otherwise be wondering about. I now have all winter to finish the modifications but have just ordered another Paynes Poly 14 x 12 and one of their 14 x 12 Poly Nucs and an eke for the Nuc - oh...and a few supers in the sale and they will be arriving in the next couple of days when I will face the Spanish inquisition ... as I've already sold a few jars the rack may not be fully tightened !

So ... apart from a few more frames I should have enough kit with the new polys and the Long Hive to get me through the first of the swarms next year ... where the hives will go is something else altogether ....

'Er indoors is probably fully acquainted with your stores and acquisitions .....perhaps a blanket and a pillow to add to the long hive might be required! Best you do the washing up and plump the pillows as a distraction!
I still have the second Dartington to pimp up.....but it has to wait for the hay barn to be finished and we have just started putting in a manège....the big machines have been working all day. They ripped out a 12' high and 12' deep hedge to make a gateway within minutes....amazing. Rain stopped play eventually. Now we have the biggest mound of top soil you have ever seen!
If they are anything like mine they use it for very creative comb structures ... which at this time of the year tend to bridge the spaces between the frames at the top. Despite top insulation they seem intent on closing off the top of the hive as much as possible - winter preparation ?

I have one lot filling my 2litre rapid feeder funnel with comb. They are still taking the syrup though.

Couldn't find any spare honey so I had to use some lecithin I had tucked way in the shed.
:icon_204-2: Naughty, though.
Mixed up a batch of thymol emulsion and prepared a load of invert for feeding. Couldn't find any spare honey so I had to use some lecithin I had tucked way in the shed.

Didn't realise you were short of honey - you should have said :icon_204-2:
Interesting there are other horse lovers on the forum.... Wife and daughter have just broken a three year old
I've been on the cadge today got four big pieces of celotex from our town library renovation will make a couple of hive covers from it
Interesting there are other horse lovers on the forum.... Wife and daughter have just broken a three year old
I've been on the cadge today got four big pieces of celotex from our town library renovation will make a couple of hive covers from it

OK I confess. I'm amongst those who spend more on horseshoes than on my own :)
OK I confess. I'm amongst those who spend more on horseshoes than on my own :)

None of ours are shod. Took the shoes off nearly 5 years ago..never looked back. Apart from saving the cost....their feet are now tough and can go over any surface...never have to worry about losing a shoe the day before a competition!
The bees in Pond Apiary will be moved to the Bee Yard this winter...as they overlook where the manège is being built. Funnily enough no one has mentioned the beehives or the the bees...despite all the heavy machinery.