What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Adding thymolated syrup today. Found a wasps nest. Left it because they aren't going in the hives and there were 2 huge field spiders that had their webs perfectly placed and caught 2 while I was watching.
Went to carry on feeding second apiary, went to get empty feeders from first all hives in first so heavy I cant lift them (commercials). Watched the bees on both sites piling in pollen, they must be brooding like mad still the amount going in. I spose with me feeding them means they don't need to get nectar.
Found mouse droppings on varroa tray! Warm weather, so I'll open up and see what the damage is. Time for mouse guards.
Started apiguard on the last hive. bees everywhere this afternoon - I think the Garn cottage mob are beginning to show their distaste of the apiguard - clouds of bees like a summer's day.
Plenty of Balsam pollen to be seen going in still.
Very close but overcast here today but a good flow has started from the ivy, all hives working very well.
first time in many weeks, saw the girls in action, working the ivy, which is close in the garden. Moved three empty supers and frames into the shed, and moved an empty hive off the ground onto a hive stand. not seeing much fallout now from MAQS applied on Wednesday, but did see wasps carrying away dead bee parts from around the hive. A few wasps tried to get in but were chased off. Sold some more honey from the door step.
Extracted the last super.
Cleaning kit ready for next season will be the next job.........sigh. I could do with a slave.
Removed the last 2 supers above the eke that were being cleaned (and now empty) on the big hive.

Collated some decent capped frames from the supers below the eke to add to the harvest, and left the broodbox with one super, which I put below the brood box. (Tin hat on!)

Removed QE

Left eke on with apiguard on top of brood frames.

Hive overflowing with bees, but no sign of HM, and no sign of brood. Hopefully the weather continues fine and will have a chance of a decent inspection in a couple of weeks when they've settled down again.

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You can't say fairer than that (or at least Dusty can't with an elastoplast on his tongue). The sermon's going to be fun tomorrow. :D

Don't mock the afflicted, JBM,

I have friends in Very High Places.........

......though not in any of my hives.

Removed the MAQS from my 2 hives at home, to find one probably queenless and the other having gone off lay, so that I could hardly find a test frame to transfer.

It's the very devil of a September for me.

Took the Apiguard off: first tray pretty well gone after a week and ONE mite. Don't give me "earwigs"; it was there for days and I closed off the back. Given a massively shrunk brood nest and no sign of eggs (but roughly 4-day old larvae), it looks like it knocked her off lay as the fumes built up. So on balance, off it comes and hope for the best (in terms of lay; re mites, I'm cool).
moved two hives back to the farm and feeding now in earnest. will speak with the landowner to leave an access strip an place some bales to the north and east to protect the hives from the wind.
After extraction I moved uncapped frames (three supers worth) one each back on three hives, I left QXs on ,they can either cap them or take the honey down ,either way suits me :)
Really nice weather here today, checked on the bees, lots of what seems like orientation flights and a lot of orange pollen coming in. Quite different to last few trips, no sign of any activity or brood rearing at all. Had started feeding but might leave it for a bit if the weather stays good (bit worried if the queen is laying again that she might run out of room..)
I would have said she should be laying at this time of year and strangely they don't run out of room or they shouldn't because they know what they are doing at this time of year and will be back filling.

Just because it warms up doesn't mean they think it's spring.

Not a great day ....... Just been up to look over one of my hives. It had been queenless for a couple of weeks since the end of MAQs treatment but still was a big 14x12 colony with bees on all frames.
It was a bit of a shock therefore to see it being robbed out. I don't know how long it's been going on but there are 100s of dead and dying bees all over the floor, groups of bees fighting on the landing board and dead bees being carried off out of the hive every minute or two. It doesn't bode well for my new queen who was released into there on Friday :(
It's gone from being my best colony to one potentially on its way out, all in 4 weeks.
I've not witnessed robbing on this scale before. It's not pretty is it!
Not a great day ....... Just been up to look over one of my hives. It had been queenless for a couple of weeks since the end of MAQs treatment but still was a big 14x12 colony with bees on all frames.
It was a bit of a shock therefore to see it being robbed out. I don't know how long it's been going on but there are 100s of dead and dying bees all over the floor, groups of bees fighting on the landing board and dead bees being carried off out of the hive every minute or two. It doesn't bode well for my new queen who was released into there on Friday :(
It's gone from being my best colony to one potentially on its way out, all in 4 weeks.
I've not witnessed robbing on this scale before. It's not pretty is it!

Hi Jummys Mum,
That is truly tragic! I have a theory that robbers might go for broodless hives because they are less organised. My broodless large hive had plenty of wasp activity whilst my nuc next to it coped well? Try a frame of brood if you feel you can afford it! May help the new queen to start laying as well some say?
Thanks Beeno. Although I suspect that I may end up having to unite this one to a strong five frame nuc in a week or two. I understand that newly introduced queens don't get accepted so well in a hive where robbing is occurring. I'm leaving it a week before I look for eggs though. In the meantime, i've put glass across the entrance which was already reduced but is now reduced further to 1-2 bee space wide.
The wasps are having a banquet 'clearing up' on the floor outside but it's definitely only bees doing the robbing.....for now anyway.