What did you do in the Apiary today?

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I notice the Tree Bumble, surprised your bees aren't on them.

There were no honey bees around that I noticed, it is a smallish patch but I know it's all around the area. Maybe they're visiting other places.
The hive in question did have 4 brood frames full of honey I had to remove and replace with empty drawn comb!
Attempting my first ever requeening.

Had new queen in the living room while waiting for the colony to realise that the old queen was dead. Heard her piping! I thought that was a virgin queen thing.

Anyway, she is now in the brood box, still taped in her cage, waiting for her new subjects to accept her.
I wish I could just spot a queen so I could name her!!!!!!
What is happening done a full inspection today all in tip top condition and all doing well exept one which has one sealed queen cell right in the middle of the frame hopefully a superceidure cell
BUT I have got 2 bait nucs and one brood box with frames and all of them have got about 50 to 100 bees going in and out of them all can't be another 3swarms on the way surely
Watched the bees working through the acrylic inner covers today; shifting nectar, drawing wax and putting propolis all over the shop.

Also spotted a few bees that were crawling rather than flying (obviously couldn't fly as they tried at every peak). Just got the microscope down to check for acarine, though I'll have to catch a specimen tomorrow now.
Looks like DWV on that single drone - Heavy varroa load?

Could be. Quite interesting as only Drones thrown out, perhaps as many as 100 to 150 per hive BUT that said my colonies have been evicting flying Drones for the last couple of weeks leaving relatively few flying now. Some other colonies have done the same throwing out Drone pupa and it's not new, happens every year. Overall activity on those particular colonies is very strong with three Dadant supers currently on some and sunflower hardly started.

Should say no damage evident on workers and I would have said more chewed wings than DWV.

Got called to next village to take a swarm; they were in a bramble patch and I was in a hurry, so I placed a few handfuls into a topbar nuc and left. Returned at night and found them all in.
Having just received a fantastic new book on topbar beekeeping from the US for review I am minded to give the horizontal tbh on which I had given up years ago another go.
had to help our oldest member ( think near 90) as he had a foul queenless Langstroth which he split into 2 colonies to move them. They were following like mad and bothering nearby horses.
Blocked in last night (not by me) for me to collect early today to take to isolated area to sort. Had a great car journey, suited, with 200 loose bees fighting to get in, out and annoy me.
Going to be a testing time getting them queenright. Will rejoin them to make life easier, that's if his equipment holds up- one roof already in bits...

I love a challenge:calmdown:
Bees not so happy when I pulled a large piece of wild comb out of the hive only for it to collapse in my hands. Aargh!!

Put the remains above the crownboard and left didn't even get chance to check for eggs they were so angry. :(

When I swapped two colonies around two days ago, I had a large TBH comb - with honey and brood collapse and fall on the hive floor. It was too hot to do anything then 28C so I left it till 8am this morning and tried to reattach it to the topbar.

It was still 20C - at 8am.

The comb had to be cut from the floor where it had been waxed in. The brood I saved tied with thin green string to a bar, the honey I recovered and pressed and strained.

Messy operation so marigolds.

Bees acted like teenagers on a Saturday morning: did not want to get upset and just started clearing up my mess.
Inspected hive this morning, spotted the queen for the first time, managed to mark her without incident too..pretty nerve wracking! Bees very good tempered, plenty of BIAS and stores (started as a swarm hived less than a month ago, nearly drawn out 10 frames already). Suspect that now numbers are increasing that inspections might get a bit more 'interesting' :)
Exasperation at my best colony. They have ignored a super of foundation for 2-3 weeks and had a few too many queen cups with eggs for comfort last week. Brood chamber had 10 out of 12 frames with brood so I gave them another brood chamber with 12 frames foundation. Result this week was that the new BC had 10 frames drawn full of stores and super of foundation not touched.

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Had an issue with carni's coming from somewhere whether its a wild colony on someone's colony. No sign of robbing on the garden hive, but me and three neighbours been left with a few stings each. No sign of them today thank god. Did manage to extract one super and got one gallon of honey. Still got to seperate capping and honey yet though.

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