What did you do in the Apiary today?

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been busy painting a stack of MB nucs and their supers ready for a buying spree at Polyhive's apiary!!!

also enjoying watching loads of scouts checking out newly baited bait hive - if lucky they may be some of RABs!!!!
Checked 3 colonies found 7 fresh cups with todays eggs in largest hive going 2 as this week
Did an AS on my largest colony which had produced a few good queen cells. Lots of drones about too, so did a double split to make up a couple of nucs. Got stung a few times in the process - I don't usually react to badly to stings but my fingers are really aching tonight.:eek:
Went through all the bees this affy :)
Mowed all around the apiary this evening !
Took Sasha for her evening stroll (she's as rickety as I) around the farm and over the golf course .
Thoroughly happy although totally Knackered :)

John Wilkinson
Looked through the colony at my friend's house. Pleased as they had drawn out half the super (in an area where there is no OSR). Colony very strong. Saw HM.

Ben P
well realized that is perhaps better to do your usual Saturday afternoon inspect on the Friday before Stoneleigh rather than the Sunday afternoon after Stoneleigh as all but one hive decided to produce swarm QC

perhaps the ASs are not picture perfect but at least i have done them , need i say more :Angel_anim:

also total balls up on last weeks demaree for some unkown reason the top mob in the box without the queen decided to make some fine new QC and fight the incoming forages so 100s of dead bees on the top of both Q Exs (and ifound that either caused by she had swarmed or a hamfisted beekeeper, who could not find the queen killed his queen doing the demaree , so now have no eggs and sealed 8 day old scrub Q cells in bottom box so back to square one

may re queen on friday
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not today exactly but taranov (to set up for 2 queen system) at assoc apairy 10+ days ago failed due to queen cage being damaged and HM escaping and ending up (presumed) dead below floor.

missed boat? (done as dandelions in full bloom as recommended by ron brown).
I sat and watched the bees for a very long time in the sunshine after doing inspections yesterday. After my recent AS and swarm catching activity I now have two hives with a queen due out in 2 and 6-8 days so I am hoping for good weather for mating flights soon.

I also watched the birds who have now worked out that there are always dead bees in front of the hives to eat. I watched a great tit swoop down and pick up a bee. It then carries it off to a branch and eats it from the head down leaving the stinger. First time I have seen this behaviour. I also saw a blackbird doing the same thing but it was not so fussy and ate the whole bee!
watched until i was followed by two bee's i am increasingly worried that they are too aggressive, going to think on it tonight but i think i might jump in the deep end and requeen as i cant take any chances as i am on an allotment:nopity::nopity::nopity:
whilst waiting for various coats of paint to dry (on MB poly nucs) sat in front of bait hive and said hello to scouts (and snapped numerous pics).
Made up two unassembled Commercial hives and 22 Commercial frames, sat and listened to the bees in one apiary this evening drying off the nectar and decided to re-Queen two colonies from last season that were primary swarms taken from around these parts (but not my bees!).
Demareed two more of my hives at home apiary (that's 4 out of 5 done now).
1st was just about full in BB but only Queen cups.

Went to look at 2nd hive due for inspection and got a hell of a shock when I opened it. Looked a nice strong colony but from about frame 2 to 8 or so queen cells in various stages including one newly sealed!

My visit to Stoneleigh nearly cost me a swarm!

Anyway decided to make a nuc up as they are some of my best bees and after finding and moving the queen to the new (lower) BB went through every frame very carefully removing any QC's (besides the frame I used to make nuc).

Took a while but pretty happy I caught them before they swarmed.

Fingers crossed it worked.

Have a meeting with the framer to check locations for my out apiaries tomorrow, just in time looking at the weather forecast, already have 2 empty hives ready to move and more almost ready.

Long and hard day but pretty successful and very satisfying.

Almost forgot check in the top box of the 1st hive I demareed and it's looking pretty good and as an added bonus it seems the bees and now filling the frames recently vacated by brood with freshly capped honey!
Didn't plan on that, lol.
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Was in my hive yesterday, but they were really arsey, so as I didn't have all my gear with me, I gave up to give myself time this mornign to complete the brood box and frames to double brood it.

One thing I did discover yesterday was that I probably have a dodgy Thorne's plastic QE as the super I put on last week remained undrawn and there were only a handful of bees in there.

Anyway, today, got in and noticed still prettty much full to bursting. Lots of capped brood, some eggs and plenty of larvae, lots of stores and packed with pollen.

The QE clearly wasn't allowing bees either way easily as I could see some straining to get up but were unable and the half dozen above trying to move down but could not.

Didn't see HM (again), but with eggs, I know she's been there in the last couple of days. Lots of drone brood on the bottom of a few of the frames, so hopeful I haven't committed regicide as once the next brood box went under, one of the frames popped up due to the amount of drone brood. Anyway, reomved a good bit more than I might have as I removed some last week, but I had little choice.

Half a dozen play cups (much more like what I thought play cups loooked like and none of the laid in as far as I could see. Have left double brood and super above as I can only hope they will divert energy into drawing the foundation in top and bottom.

Checked most of the drones in different stages after and found zero varroa, even in previously unopened cells, so although keeping a watching brief, things are looking promising and I may not use the ApiLife Var I have if my next recorded count stays really low.

They were remarkably good natured today, but have abandoned the Thorne's cardboard packing as some of it that looks free of plastics must have some treat ment as the tar is high and it is rather acrid. Today I used stalks from lavender I harvested last year and it was quite pleasant for me and the bees were not too badly behaved at all.
mons ab - did you keep the corpses for putting in bait hives?

Sadly not, only read about this this morning. Handy tip for the future though.

Went for a quick non entry look at the Q- hives yesterday and it seemed to me that they were already less defensive - which wasnt what I was expecting at all.
waiting in for plumber so finished painting poly nucs & set up another bait hive - already being investigated by a few scouts.
discovered new (better?) use for WPF poly nucs - drinks cooler - perfectly fits 15 bottles of beer/cider with room for ice pack on top.
Demareed two more of my hives at home apiary (that's 4 out of 5 done now).
1st was just about full in BB but only Queen cups.

Went to look at 2nd hive due for inspection and got a hell of a shock when I opened it. Looked a nice strong colony but from about frame 2 to 8 or so queen cells in various stages including one newly sealed!

My visit to Stoneleigh nearly cost me a swarm!

Anyway decided to make a nuc up as they are some of my best bees and after finding and moving the queen to the new (lower) BB went through every frame very carefully removing any QC's (besides the frame I used to make nuc).

Took a while but pretty happy I caught them before they swarmed.

Fingers crossed it worked.

Have a meeting with the framer to check locations for my out apiaries tomorrow, just in time looking at the weather forecast, already have 2 empty hives ready to move and more almost ready.

Long and hard day but pretty successful and very satisfying.

Almost forgot check in the top box of the 1st hive I demareed and it's looking pretty good and as an added bonus it seems the bees and now filling the frames recently vacated by brood with freshly capped honey!
Didn't plan on that, lol.


Caught my 1st swarm after the hive that I swarm controlled yesterday decided to give it a go anyway!

My mistake, when swarm preparations were that far advanced I should have removed old queen into nuc instead of trying to demaree!

At least they only went 3m to a hedge behind the neighbors garden and are now in my swarm capture box awaiting a move to my new out apiary tonight!

Lesson learned.:redface:

Still on the bright side I have my swarm capture practice out of the way and some photos + vids