went to see another hive and walked past two AS hives done yesterday and decided to changed their QE for a clean one and just put the hive records under the lids
found that they had turned nasty, very nasty, the down the welly type nasty and circulating outside the car type nasty (the car was other side of the field) if it had been a petrol car they would have had some petrol, one was aggressive last year and the other re queen last autumn
One AS as previous post is a failed demaree is definitely queenless in both halves arranged as nuc+QC and old brood+twoQC, by the end of five minutes i had five stings , one right under under the glove cuff seal, one in the welly, one on the nose through the veil, then a further two on lower arm through suit packing up, hid in a shed four three minutes but some still outside
still onward in the afternoon I went and helped check two rose OSB at another apiary, quiet as pussy cats , Queen Cells, we stopped counting when it got over 30
Had a nice pint of Fuller ESB beer and talked about my two ASs, petrol, cleaning fluid and whether you can reuse the frames if you have poured petrol over them