Yesterday, actually....
Well, the old queen in the superceding hive, having been absent for 2 close (bees feathered off) inspections, has reappeared in a very slimline version. She's been on a residential weight-watchers course, clearly! She wasn't being harried at all, but it's clear that she's not being fed very much. Methinks she'd popped through the excluder for a week and came down again. So, she's in a keiler mating nuc now, with 2 frames of young bees, tasked with overseeing the drawing down of comb from starter strips. Two chances: it'll work or it won't. If she's not entirely dried up, gets fed and starts laying, all well and good but if not, her days are numbered and in theory, I'll have a ready-to-go mating nuc out of it in a few weeks.
On a more delighted note, the second brood box that was added to a "hmmm, shall we swarm?" colony 2 weekends ago, has 7 fully drawn frames, 3 of which are laid up and a busy queen marching around looking for more empty cells. I put it under the original 2 weeks ago on the basis that bees build down and thinking it warm enough for the wax makers to go to work, but last weekend revealed nothing done, other than a fair bit of foundation shredding. So, I swapped the boxes and put it on top, instead of adding the second super that was needed. It seems they've taken to it very readily, so by the end if June I should have a 14+ brood frame colony to get onto the field beans. Great, except I've got to move them back to the woods tonight, and the stack has grown considerably in the last 4 weeks! But good practice, 'cos I've got to do the same with the other 2 next weekend, and they're 14x12, 2 supers and deep.
And relax....