First sting of the year...
I've given myself strict instructions not to interfere with the bees in either colony until 25th (sealed QC's in BOTH sections of AS seen on 6th June) to allow for emergence, mating and initial laying to start from both queens (fingers crossed)
So - decided to go and watch the hives for a bit this afternoon. No problem from 1st colony, was just sitting quietly about 3ft away and watching them bring in pollen and nectar, also watching (and hearing!) some drones buzzing around. Then I moved to the 2nd hive, again just watching from about 3 ft away - after about 5 mins (again pollen and nectar going in) one of the guard bees came wazzing out, straight for my wrist and gave me a sting

I retreated in haste.
Weather is due to be a tad sh1te tomorrow (is pretty blustery today and 15 degrees) but hopefully early next week we should get some good weather for the VQ mating flights (if I am calculating the timings correctly)