What did you do in the Apiary today?

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The inspector here say's its not, but pleased to be corrected.
I don't think we would want a hive in an apiary that you could not inspect.

The inspector here say's its not, but pleased to be corrected.
I don't think we would want a hive in an apiary that you could not inspect.


Bearing in mind that perhaps the majority of beekeepers in this country don't ever get inspected and aren't registered on any database, I have never come across a 'law' that states that all bees must be kept on removable frames.

Although I stand to be corrected.
Beautiful pix, Yorkshirebees
I've pinched the second for my desktop, if you don't mind

Well with only 3.3mm rain in the whole of March and a week of very hot weather I guess water sources were drying up. Literally 5mins after I filled the water station with water there were a dozen bees drinking!

Glad you like the photos.
"We could but I don't think its legal to keep bees, that are not on removable frames, for inspection"

AFAIK no restrictions in UK but not true of europe - here is an extract from Italian legislation (1988)

"ARTICOLO 11 Alveari rustici o villici 1. E' fatto obbligo ai detentori di alveari rustici o villici di trasformarli in alveari razionali entro tre anni dall' entrata in vigore della presente legge."

basically anyone with non moveable frame hives/skeps was obliged to move to rational hives within 3 years of this becoming law.
"We could but I don't think its legal to keep bees, that are not on removable frames, for inspection"

AFAIK no restrictions in UK but not true of europe - here is an extract from Italian legislation (1988)

"ARTICOLO 11 Alveari rustici o villici 1. E' fatto obbligo ai detentori di alveari rustici o villici di trasformarli in alveari razionali entro tre anni dall' entrata in vigore della presente legge."

basically anyone with non moveable frame hives/skeps was obliged to move to rational hives within 3 years of this becoming law.

Another reason to leave the EU ?

I did nothing today rain....rain...rain.... British Summer Time !

NICE WEATHER FOR DUCKS... lol.... thanks drs!

Revised where I am and where I want to go and removed the QE I so cleverly put back two days ago. :dupe:

Thought if I sneaked up on them and was quick I wouldnt need smoke - they had other ideas.:willy_nilly::willy_nilly::willy_nilly:
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Nipped down to check on the new hive and spent most of yesterday evening crawling under the hive.

It appears

(a) there is a small group of lost bees stuck under the hive who have no idea where the entrance went to (a couple of inches further forward, girls, forward!), and

(b) some of the girls have found a new entrance out the back way - the OMF mesh has drooped a bit in the middle, creating a hole. So now the hive has 2 entrances ...

Sigh. I'm a hopeless beekeeper, really I am. :banghead:
Assembled 20 frames of 50 odd that need doing. Quite fun. Never listened to so much radio.

Not in the apiary though, the pub office...to the managers displeasure...frames every where!
I got a phone call at work and was asked by a local Garden centre to look at their two Beehives to see what needed to be done as the manager who looked after them had been off sick with a broken leg since an accident in november and he was coming back next month,

Are there bees going in and out, yes they said

trolled around there at lunchtime, bee suit on ,water spray in one hand, hive tool in the other

looked good, quite mild 16c, mouseguards on a few bees going in, lots of activity flying at front, checked the varroa board, excessive cappings and mold ,

lifted the lid, a few bees in the super, ivy honey & some de-capped, QE still on!!!, brood box oh bl***dy shame, thousand of dead bees,stranded bees heads in, no brood, no eggs,and the only alive bees being robbers, shook most of the robbers out, cleared the dead bees and just gaffer taped the hive up, turned around and lots of public looking on,some taking photos

second hive was almost identical, two supers almost full above a QE, lots of dead bees, except on this one i found the dead queen just under the QE

did they want me to take them away and dispose of them:biggrinjester:, did not work, they would decide what to do when their manager returns off sick
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Very windy today, watched a few bees fighting the wind to get back into the hive entrance. Just before 6pm the wind dropped and the sun came out and so did a lot of bees all searching for water!

I had watered some pot plants and these plants were immediately covered by thirsty bees aswell as my water station I setup yesterday!
Went to my apiary with a deep lang poly chamber and floor and a piece of ply board cut to the outer dimensions of the poly lang chamber with a hole in middle to inner national dimensions.

Not to scale.

Green poly lang floor and deep chamber
Dark brown - Template
Light brown - brood and half with 14x12 frames

  • Lifted off the 14x12 chamber (brood and half) and it placed in on a spare upturned roof.
  • Turned the hive stand round 90' as it had a landing board fitted.
  • Put a piece of board down on the hive stand and set up the poly floor and deep chamber on it.
  • Put in a frame feeder with 2 pints of sugar syrup
  • Placed the ply template over the top of the poly lang
  • lifted the 14x12 bursting with bees onto the ply template and carefully lined them up
  • replaced the roof and strapped them up

Sat and watched them for 30 mins and was not at all surprised to see they continued to land on the national chamber half way up the hive, took them a little while to figure out the entrance was still in the same place as the lower half of the hive is now painted green and not cedar wood coloured.
I will give them a week or two to draw out some of the frames in the lang before the next step of ensuring the queen is placed in the lang with older bees and is able to lay before removing the national chambers to divide them.

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