Yep, sobered up... went to check bees- all hives flying as first decent day. Bit concerned as I moved hives 30' 5 weeks ago to tidy up apiary and lot of bees hanging around old site of a hive.. hope they get back to hive ok..
She should be so lucky !Maybe they were for your mrs...
Slipped and fell on a sheet of black ice yesterday morning. Broken a couple of bones in the right hand and am now plastered up from fingers to just below elbow for a few weeks. Now that should make for an interesting time should the weather improve in time for first inspections before the plaster comes off!
Slipped and fell on a sheet of black ice yesterday morning. Broken a couple of bones in the right hand and am now plastered up from fingers to just below elbow for a few weeks. Now that should make for an interesting time should the weather improve in time for first inspections before the plaster comes off!