A balmy 13 degrees albeit rather breezy but went around all my hives today and vaped all of them, hefted for stores as well.
When I put the battery in, the screen doesn’t light up. It’s completely dead!Heavens! What's wrong with it?
It gets much more work than mine does but nevertheless.......
Computer says noWhen I put the battery in, the screen doesn’t light up. It’s completely dead!
I’ve asked for a replacement under warranty as I can’t have it crashing in the middle of a series of vapes!
Checked the hives and then sat and wondered about making some beeswax furniture polish with the spare bottle of pure turpentine. I'd like to add some lavender essential oil at the end but wd the different smells clash?
Lavender would just ruin the aroma.Checked the hives and then sat and wondered about making some beeswax furniture polish with the spare bottle of pure turpentine. I'd like to add some lavender essential oil at the end but wd the different smells clash?
Now, the thing I find most poignant is using tools that were my Dads, but I’m so very pleased I have them.
What happened? Mine seems to be using up battery power very fast. Although might that be to having to switch it off between traveling to each apiary?I would be doing mine next week if it wasn’t for the fact my InstantVap has gone wrong for the second time. I hope Duncan gets it back to me quicker than he did last time.
What happened? Mine seems to be using up battery power very fast. Although might that be to having to switch it off between traveling to each apiary?
I carry it in an old ammo box & wondered how safe it would be to leave it on for the short drive between two of my apiaries (they’re less than half a mile apart)?Moving between apiaries (and having a longer cool down/warm up period) does seem to eat batteries in my experience. I'm not unduly surprised however. I just try to carry enough that it isn't a problem.
A risk of dislodged OA being vapourised on the journey, if that is contained I see no problem, though also no advantage, it will take more energy to maintain temperature than restore it.I carry it in an old ammo box & wondered how safe it would be to leave it on for the short drive between two of my apiaries (they’re less than half a mile apart)?
The screen just didn’t light up when I plugged a full battery in. (I tried 4 batteries) The same thing happened about 9 months ago when it went back for repair so I’m thinking it’s a dodgy machine.What happened? Mine seems to be using up battery power very fast. Although might that be to having to switch it off between traveling to each apiary?
I would.Vaped two out of three apiaries on Friday and helped put a fellow beek with her hive too until the battery went dead on the Instavap.
Checked the drop today as moving nucs and sealing up entrances as workmen taking out a big horrible eleagnus hedge by the home apiary tomorrow. Drop of 635 on the biggest hive (all the red dots)- another vape needed?
Thought so. Did it yesterday. Alarming drops but the colonies are so big, possible correlation?I would.
Sounds a bit like the September treatment may not have been fully effective. If they are big colonies now and as there’s not likely much (if any) brood in the colony, I’d give another vape now and possibly one in very early Spring. Knock the little blighters on the head while you can. What treatment did you use in Autumn?Thought so. Did it yesterday. Alarming drops but the colonies are so big, possible correlation?