What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Tackled them again today with a suit on, they were not at all happy and with good reason.
After removing all the extra comb from the frames and roof I found the frames were stuck to the sides of the box with lots of brace comb, I had to tear the box apart and carefully cut the excess away then move to a new box.
After the first two I realised that some were shallow frames as well.
Didn't look for the queen or eggs as my glasses fell off and I didn't want to risk opening my veil.
Why would someone make up a nuc in a plastic transport box then leave for so long?
I'll leave them to it for a couple of weeks with a feed.
I checked my other hives and a couple are working to fill the supers I put back on a couple of weeks ago but others in the same apiary and of similar strength haven't progressed at all
Probably left that long because they're awful to inspect!
Watched the first signs that my drones are on their way out, I think. They seemed to be happily (and noisily) coming and going yesterday but having a much harder time today.
Checked all colonies in-between watching the Lionesses win.
Trying the super consolidation on a few to see if it works. Just about had enough ekes, boards & old CDs…..
One nuc has gone queenless but suspect I may have accidentally transferred the queen to another nuc when I did a split with a frame of QCs as they’ve torn them down & there are eggs. Doh!
Also, loads of orange pollen & nectar coming into the colonies and the frames are bright yellow. Anyone know what they might be foraging on? Lots of drones & drone larvae still plus two hives making swarm cells! They were all really calm yesterday so i’m wondering if we have a late flow on….


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Checked my hives yeaterday stores on two very low so had to feed.Hopefully the weather will now start to pick up and the ivy comes into flower.Debating if now would be the best time to merge some of the hives I want to be down from five to three by winter.
Consolidated frames in 2 supers down to 1... I think over the last 2/3 weeks (poorer weather), they've taken down/used more themselves. Put Apiguard on over brood of second hive, which is rammed (and is from a recentish split from the colony next door), wish I'd put a super on, probably too late now. But also slightly tempted to do another split with a bought in queen, or should I just stick with the one strong colony now (??). And finally, checked on my most recent little swarm, coming on very nicely...treated them to 2 litres of invert, to help them along.
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And it's raining again unable to remove the last few supers
Been feeling guilty because I haven't managed to get much done over the last two weeks as a result of having the lurgy. My wife now also has it. Turns out to be Covid, according to an in-date test kit she found in the bathroom. I guess I don't have to feel quite so bad about it any more.

Been feeling guilty because I haven't managed to get much done over the last two weeks as a result of having the lurgy. My wife now also has it. Turns out to be Covid, according to an in-date test kit she found in the bathroom. I guess I don't have to feel quite so bad about it any more.

Hope you both get over it real soon.
Been feeling guilty because I haven't managed to get much done over the last two weeks as a result of having the lurgy. My wife now also has it. Turns out to be Covid, according to an in-date test kit she found in the bathroom. I guess I don't have to feel quite so bad about it any more.

As long as it’s not the dreaded lurgy, you’ll be fine🥸