So…… my lovely neighbours (who’s fence backs onto my hives) sent me a video as they thought my bees were swarming at 9.30am. He said they swirled around for a few minutes and then left!
Which has left me perplexed.
Hive 1 was a split from the 9th which I introduced a new queen to today and knocked down some sealed EQCs before I did so. No open QCs. Before that, no QCs.
Hive 2 was the other half of the split - double BB - (they balled & killed the queen after I had touched up her paintwork despite leaving her in the cage on top of the frames while it dried - about 5 minutes).
They had charged QCs on 12th (nothing sealed) so left a few of the best to make up nucs this week.
Hive 3 had been split on 2nd as we’re making swarm preps. Knocked down all sealed & unsealed QCs except best one and put Q in a nuc. QC hatched on 12th. Have been left to get on with it.
Nuc - Q still there, quite full but no QCs.
So how could any of them have swarmed? Nuc is the only Q+ box.
Any ideas anyone? Was it even my swarm? Or a mating flight??