What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Now have trailer loads of Ash being almost given away in this neck of the (once) woods.
Larch almost all gone, elm just a distant memory, birch and chestnut seem to be dominating.
I wonder if the population would take notice of what we are doing to our environment Nordman fir and the Norwegian spruce were to suffer a similar disease?
I just hope that more infected trees are not imported along with the beetles our foreign friends seem to be happy to live with , and sadly export.
What has all that got to do with burning windfall ash trees ?..funny enough though i was chopping trees down on Sunday and i find Holly burns lovely.
What has all that got to do with burning windfall ash trees ?..funny enough though i was chopping trees down on Sunday and i find Holly burns lovely.

The air around here is full of the sound of chainsaws.
Ash dyeback prevention, in swaithes.
Burns well even if not matured.
Have some Italian elm that is so hard even the log splutter struggles.
Ash is the best burning wood you will ever get. The calorific value is brilliant. Where in the south west are you...... I could do with some!!!
My heat pump heats my water to normal temperature also but the immersion heats it to much higher storage temperature.
The storage heater is a great idea enrico, I've never seen it done either, but do you need heating during the summer? I use hot water all year :)

It is in the annex so it keeps it nicely aired out. We do turn it off in the summer but then we heat the swimming pool!!!!!!
I took advantage of the dry sunny day weather and used the vaporiser. Little early perhaps but I also wanted to see how far they chomped through their stores after the icy blasts we have had up here. Loads of stores, happy days.:)
Needed to get away from the desk and get some fresh air so did the rounds of a few of the apiaries, all hives have plenty of stores still, many clusters deep down in the brood boxes - some seem to be still in the nadired shallows on some
Wild Boar are another possible culprit.
Sunny & Mild today (11 C) so a friend with 30 hives took the oportunity to check a sample (three hives )today for brood. No brood in any of them so he will be dribbling oxalic on saturday, a couple of weeks earlier than last year.
No - these little mammals - ‎European pine marten · ‎American marten · ‎Beech marten · ‎Japanese marten

Something tastes good about electric wires in vehicles and they chew them given the chance, and pinch chickens as well. I lost several to them whilst living on mainland europe.

Yep, they pierced one hose in my car couple years ago.. I wasn't lone case.. Pretty dangerous..
From time to time they end hit on the road..
In winter they crawl more under the hood as same as rats.. even cats ..