Think you will find it's yellow.
I think hazel is cream / off-white.
i was observing my garden hives this afternoon, they were all very active,
bringing in pale white pollen ? only thing i can think it could be is snowdrops,
i also did a mite count on the 3 hives i have monitoring boards in,after a week zero mites counted,
We have a dusting on the higher ground to the west.
Working on why the Motorhome keeps dumping water when the boiler and heating are on. Very odd.
thanks Paul,
i found this pollen chart and the colour i noticed resembles that of hazel
John this is a very erroneous chart. There are several colours wrong.
It shows Hazel pollen as whitish....it isn't, it is yellow as is alder and most other catkins.
Very easy to confirm for yourself, get a few sprigs and stick in vase with a sheet of white A4 paper underneath and it will drop yellow pollen onto it.
Or treat yourself to a "Colour guide to the Pollen loads of the Honey Bee" by Kirk....and even this has one mistake...can't remember which flower it is...otherwise very accurate giving three shades for each pollen depending on maturity or region.
Addendum. Pale pollen this time of year is possibly Christmas Rose, Helloborus niger
Off to dummy down a couple of small colonies with too much space.
Can't beat cycling to work the bees.
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Much colder tomorrow they sayChecked all inspection trays and all have brood cappings and low varroa numbers..the three with fondant on the top bars are using it and the bees where flying today collecting water..where is this beast from the east ll .. .. the other colonies still hold a fair bit of weight so i am still happy for now.
Played with the tractor and fenced off the new apiary while the young bull and a few sheep were curiously looking on. The bees to be moved there next week.
What type of tractor do you have Jeff .
I hope it's a fergy.....
Its a Massey in this neck of the wood's..
Is that the front part of the tractor designed by Massey and the best part the back, designed by Ferguson