Inspection and food search
Inspected the hive, it’s 18 days since I last inspected, what a change!
Last time, of the original five combs of the nuc, the outer two frames were empty and the middle three were mainly brood in all stages and some pollen and honey stores round the edges, but they weren’t full. I was worried that they weren’t expanding.
Now the foundation of the frame I put at the front is full on the inside with capped stores, still foundation on the front face. All the original five combs are full, the outer two are stores on the outside and the middle ones are a healthy looking mixture of brood in all stages with pollen and honey stores at the edges, foundation frame seven is new comb on the inside with stores, the outer edge still foundation and foundation frame eight is untouched.
I saw the queen for the first time ambling over a middle frame, larvae seem to have plenty of jelly in the cells, lots of bees.
I discovered I’d put the crown board on upside down (Abelo poly national) so I righted that.
I had a walk around the area to check for available blossom as they are still bringing in pollen. Saw honey bees on snowberry blossoms, there is also red clover, Himalayan Balsam, willow herb, hawk weed and a few other wild flowers I haven’t identified yet. South Yorkshire countryside.
Scraped the bits off the inspection tray to do a mite count.
Now I have to make sense of kwhat I have seen, trying to balance the excitement of discovery with the discomfort of not knowing all the right answers.