Wax moth!

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Queen Bee
Dec 7, 2008
Reaction score
Newick, East Sussex
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Just cleaning up the polynuc I hived a wild colony in last year, after I transferred them this week to a wooden nuc with OMF .
. There was wax moth in the wild comb, I did know - but the little .... have really invaded the poly material. Didnt think wax moth larvae would do that-thought just wood- live and learn ...
Could you possibly post a picture for us to see and understand better?
Could be a NEW pest......"Pollymoth"........ science has identified bacteria that consume crude oil... and polystyrene is an oil ~ derived product.........

as an aside received a bit of delicate scientific kit packed in ..... not the usual expanded polystyrene, but a light compressed molded cardboardy material... looked as strong as the polyhive material, but possibly another hivemaking mold material ?
View attachment 3563

This is the floor- I tweezered 3 juicy larvae out and there is invasive damage, nearly through to the outer edge. Just as well I am considering OMF!!.
I just found a whole load of the little gits burrying their way accross some sealed brood along wit a whole load of bees with deformed wing virus- not pleased.

In my experience, waxmoth is rarely a big problem with a healthy, strong colony. It would seem that your colony is under stress and needs some urgent attention.

Any unused combs in a weakened, or 'weakening', colony will be an easy feast for waxmoth.

Regards, RAB

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