Assume that you will

and treat combs in storage. As above, early signs are the webbing in tunnels or across the face of the combs, but eggs are too small to see and are a laid in frame cracks and corners. Small black grains are the larval frass, or poo.
Dipel or Bruco is effective and you could divide the tub and sell to other beekeepers; use it within two years.
Bruco is £4.50 cheaper at the 500g rate and uses the same nematode:
bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki.
Bacillus Thuringiensis ssp aizawai will kill box moth in a similar way and maybe it will work on
galleria mellonella. At
£7 delivered you may like to try it and let us know. Do not be misled by the trade name
XenTari on the package; read further and you'll see that it's
B.t aizawai.
It takes very little time to treat a stack once the sprayer is loaded: you don't even have to take out every frame fully from the box.
Also corrodes concrete and should be used with gloves and eye protection.