warm day so how many swarms

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one that seemed dubious over the phone, bees coming out of wall, several holes and not able to se if they are furry...i though mason bees but it was on the way to my apiary at Shenley It turned out to be a large colony in the the cavity and floor coming out of gaps in the bricks were the bathroom pipes had been removed...i puffed a little smoke just to see their reaction and they came out o light fittings, air vents.corners of windows..all into the house, this going to be seal up all holes them put a exit only hive on the entrance....open brood after a few days, then take a away six to eith weeks later with new queen and all the bees except the old queen, then seal up and get abiulder to remove the comb under the floor

other than that only a large swarm, knocked into a ploly 14x12 Nuc...tried to coax them up with a brood frames but did not work

and a late call on a compost bin colony..withing 100 yds of my house...ARE they your Bees in my compost bin.....No my hives are 5 miles away, but i will look............dark esex black from the ferral colony in the woods

well established, probably over wintered there, cut out tomorrow...wish me luck
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1 call at 6.10pm to a swarm into the eaves of a 3 storey town house...passed it to the local BBKA!! I hate heights!
Just got back in from my second swarm today, averaging six calls a day, of which at least 2-3 are in masonry/brickwork/cavity wall, or have found their way into the loft, so have to turn them down.

Swarms I collect I pass on to people on the waiting list in our association.
call to a prime swarm today - from my in-laws, who have several of my hives in their garden. got there just in time to get my gear on and then watch my swarm instantly depart....:(
Called out again to the venue for last weeks play swarm - to find a wonderfully large prime feral swarm in the middle of a bramble bush, have left their 500 yr old chimney - many scratches later they are happily hived in my back garden.

Even better, the colony in the other chimney at the pick up was also looking promising - so perhaps another swarm in a few days...sigh - more kit anyone?
Yet another arrived in my garden - butnot my bees...very stripy and furry brown tops. If this keeps up I'll have to buy more kit...or sell some bees!
Got a call yesterday, but they are in a shed and the owner of the shed wasn't home so left my number, looks like a cut out and I think they have been there a while.
well asked a forum member if i could acompany them on a swarm collection, and got a call this morning said they had a collection 10mins from me. araived he set everthing up and just as got suited another took off a settled 10 foot from the first swarm just on the ground.

awsome first swarm collection witnessed!
One swarm call out today



Too big to fit into a poly nuc so going back tomorrow with a full langstroth deep hive and a frame of brood to hopefully stop them from absconding.

Just the one swarm call this year so far and that to say they had hung up and then left. What to do about the few left behind?

Very frustrating.

Plus the activity around the bait hives ceased yesterday.

Extremely frustrating.

So I am being patient.

well, called out to this one

how long have they been there, 3 days, lots of bees flying in the porch

well turned up, oh they have calmed down now and on inspection turnedout to be a colony in the floor gaining access via a small hole in the porch

3 days well the might leave with smoke

so heavy smoke.....just angry bees no movement

so fabi spray,,,,,,one minute spray...........not a sausage left the hole....so they have brood in there and the excessive bees must have been orienteering emerged bees....so not 3 days but at least 3 weeks

declined this one, not into cut outs, the entrance is in the corner of the porch

suggest a one way entrnace and retain them into a new box, but may need to relocate the entrance via a flexible tube away from porch
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