warm day so how many swarms

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the beehive lodge

House Bee
Jul 14, 2010
Reaction score
Chorlton Manchester M21
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well some said on the forum today is swarm Monday
So have you been called out
or have you be chasing swarms or will it be like the weather forcast for the week A BIG LET DOWN, let us know
not worthy
Only 1 (from one of my hives too), however by the time I'd suited up, the girls had already gone home (clipped Queen!). Found HM and replaced her in hive (I'd already removed the queen cells).
just had my first call ( while I was reading this thread!)

bees swarming round a junior school entrance
None. Far too busy spending ten hours sawing a hedge line....and watching the preparation of THE best ever stand for a swarm box: best build it now. Photos to follow. Eventually.
left at 9:00 just got in 19:30

very busy day ...lots of swarms, so a few pics ALL TODAY, notice the standard of nuc box declines...they tree one is part of a hedgecoe hive, they bees were smoke up...most difficult the brambles one, had to go back at 6:30

the only one is my apiary is the one on the blue hive, erupted as i did my own inspection from a hive looked after by a friend
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Someone's been busy! None for me today but took one on Saturday from a friend's apiary. Happily tucked in in poly nuc at the bottom of my garden now. Very ginger and striped bees with what seems to be a nice disposition.

MM Well done! Nice Pics too.
Brambles don't you just love em?
No swarms seen or heard of to-day.
Brilliant day for the bees, they loved every minute out in the hot sunshine, working the Osr like mad. Only downside a light but cold breeze off the sea.
Expect it will bring a sea mist/fog later but for now magic.
spotted a scout checking out my bait hive in the garden she seemed to have trouble finding the entrance?
First one seen- and -oh bum- one of mine:blush5:

I checked the hive last week- 1 opened Q cell and no marked queen seen. Lots of eggs etc so presumed that, as weather been so foul there was a gap in inspections, I had missed old queen go, new one become fertile and life was progressing. I removed all 8 other queen cells - (3 since hatched and now in apideas)- and confidently walked away.
First warm day- off they went.... I must have missed old queen, and a virgin had been alongside her waiting for a good day to wave her goodbye.
Have the swarm hived so hope to see that marked queen again as she is a great bee.

Now waiting for the phone to ring as I want 4 more to replenish an out apiary.
Checked through twenty plus colonies in the afternoon and not a single queen cell amongst them .

Everything seems to be well behind where it should be for the time of year . One or two needed feeding .
Not a swarm in sight !
Checked my hives and to my horror found a sealed QC in one ! Quickly searched through the rest of the frames and luckily the marked queen was still there so was able to do an AS.

The bad weather has delayed my inspection routine but also had delayed thee queen swarming
Set up my bait box on friday, placed it on top of my shed close to my hives, checked the box at 3.45pm and nothing, 4pm cloud of bees bee-smillie came over the allotments (not my bees) and landed on the shed roof and proceeded to enter the box.
First time i've ever tried the bait box, well pleased. :)
another today, in an association apiary in a pile of pruning twigs just watched this one really give help where needed as the apiary manager was there...though as always the bees did what they wanted and it ended up as a cut out and walk in at 8:00 at night

not my nuc this time but a the mangers ply commercial NuC
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No swarms around here. I'm the public liaison for our association. My phone number is the first port of call on the website but so far not a single call. This time last year I was being rung wragged by the quantity of calls!!

Everything well behind. No queen cells.. On the (rare) occasions when the weather is good enough so that I can inspect the hives, I find healthy bees just huddling up...