walking like a tea pot!!!!!!!!!!!!

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hedgerow pete

Queen Bee
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
UK, Birmingham, Sandwell. Pork scratching Bandit c
Hive Type
what a plonker i am
11 years 4 months after massive back surgery to rebuild the base of my spine after i clapsed it, monkey boy got up off the settie on friday night and prolapsed a blooming disk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

a, i forgot how flippin painfull it is
b, the wife and son have found new comedy subjects
c, the dogs are not happy as they are now having to share a bed with me.
d, i had only just started back to work and now i need a week off

and i am walking round like a blooming tea pot!!!!
it looks as if my streching exersises was not enough, never mind at least this time i can feel and move my legs and no sabre tooth tigers were harmed.

love to all lieing down hedgerow.

ps, no sympathy please just mick taking only
Pete, have you tried bee sting therapy, a couple of dozen around the area? No idea if it works, but I look forward to the video. :D
We demand a video !

Your welcome to use this as your avatar I don't want it again.


Pete you have my sympathies . Anyone who hasnt had a back problem has no idea how grim it makes you feel .

Mine was done some yrs back in a motorsports accident , it still bites me every 12 months or so .
Can I suggest an Osteopath or physiotherapist . If its more than a few days and hasnt settled down it will need some manipulation . Expensive I know but I am usually mobile after treatment within 2 or 3 days .
Oh nearly forgot , for gods sake dont lie on the floor or anything hard . Your spine is completely the wrong shape , it'll just make things worse . And thats from my osteopath and gp .
i dont do floors . i also dont do osteopaths or chircopractors either i find the manipulations they do far to aggressive and makes every thing worse, my favorite is a sports massuer, they can get rid of the muscle tension around the spine every thing relaxs back into place.

i was stupid enough to see a osteopath once he tried to put my left knee by my right ear hole, bugger that
Try hanging from a door frame, this stretches the back and allows the disk to return to place. (recomendation from a physiotherapist).
Also lie on the floor face down, shirt off and have your wife/partner/girlfreiend walk up and down your spine with bare feet. It sounds painful but does work.
My experience is from slipped disk, chipped vertebra from a fall onto rocks.
I kept getting relapses and the final cure was a spinal injection of cortico-steroids, which hurt like h**l but aftrewards I realised that I had not been without pain for over 20 years.
If you can hobble to the nearest playing frame and have your lad cable tie your wrists to a high horizontal bar and then swing on your ankles. It may not stretch you a bit and solve your current back problem, but you'll certainly find out who the local film makers are and provide a lot of entertainment for your son as he gets you to up his pocket money allowance.
this bad back thing is driving me nuts. i am doing every streaching exercise in the book and its still not slotting back in again. how long does everyone elses stay out for??

Generally 6-8 weeks is the norm unless its prolapsed. I had the op and in total I was laid up for 14 weeks before I returned to work, but even now I'm physically shattered by 14:00hrs and still get the pain although nowhere near as bad as before but enough to seriously slow me down, got an MRI scan again tomorrow and a trip to see the bupa specialist next week.
Once a bad back, always a bad back huh? I've been there too often myself.

Personally, I'd see a GP. And I wouldn't be too keen to take much alternative well-meaning advice regarding treatment - every case is different. Unless you want irreversible spine damage and paralysis of course.... Good luck and GWS.
when i did the original cock up i ended up with one burst disk three prolapesed and the lower 6 vertibrate clapsed onto my pelvis in a curved alinement traping both siactic nerves and pinching the spinal cord aswell,

3 months "at home treatment " from a locom quack, i also went through every single treatment i could afford inc cluding all the other non doctor ones.
once i got into hospital it was another 3 months before i went under the knife and then another 4 months of learning to walk again properly

and i ant doing that again, the wife would kill me

nope this time its a good old fashioned slipped disk from working to hard and not doing enough streaching exercises

or as i like to call it "muppet being a muppet"
Well, you'd better get well soon or I can see me having to hit the M5 north to help you with those heavy supers and even heavier teapot!
You next pete

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