Varroa treatment & honey

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Field Bee
Mar 20, 2017
Reaction score
Wigan, Lancashire
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Ok I think I know the answer to this one but would like a view of the more experienced.
I obtained a Nuc (5 frame Langstroth) early June put it in a full hive (dummied down) and it built up well. It was soon on 7 frames of brood + stores and without feeding. I noticed a few bees with DWV so on 9/7/18 as there was a steady flow but not massive I applied a tray of Apiguard. 2 weeks later I replaced the tray with the second one but had now hit a massive flow from HB and B.B. was full, I added a super with 10 frames of foundation, no QX. Yesterday 6/8/18 I removed the Apoguard but noticed 8 super frames drawn and filling nicely the Q didn’t appear to have ventured up, checked BB and all well.
Today I added a wet extracted super from a yet untreated hive above a QX
So questions
1. If they repair and refil the top super will the honey be usable or are they likely to move contaminated honey up
2. If only for personal consumption does it matter anyway
3. If it doesn’t matter would the honey taste funny
4. Should I just leave it for winter food. Which was my plan this year anyway just got a lot more frames drawn and filled than expected

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