Did you read BBKA News August 2015, p270, 'Winter Colony Losses, Does Varroa Treatment Alter Outcome?'? The article quotes annual results of Meirionnydd BKA winter loss survey 2011-2015 published in The Welsh Beekeeper. The results showed that over 1500 colony-winters the winter loss for untreated colonies was 13% and for treated colonies 19%. The BBKA summary suggests that this difference 'is unlikely to be statistically different' (any statisticians on the Forum, it sounds significant to me?). The article concludes 'these results show that no reduction in winter losses was gained by chemically treating'.
I cannot believe that some one still doupts about the danger of varroa.
Heh heh he!!!!
Varroa is the most dangerous disease of the bee but treatment is even more dangerous. And if succeed to treet the bees, you will be soon in English prison.
Our main teacher of national beekeeping society has 1500 own hives.
He told in phone cohple years ago that he is in a hurry to inspect 100 hives yard. Every single hive is dead. Later he told that reason was varroa. The owner had 30 years experience, but treatment timing was too late.
My friend produce 3000 kg honey a year and last 4 years winter losses are zero.
He uses thymol in September during feeding and oxalic in winter.
I treated first time my hives 1987 with Perizin. My friend had 60 hives in that year and he told that he has mites. Mite medicins were illegal in Finland 1987, but I offered my stuff for free. My friend said:"let it be now. Lets look next summer". He lost 30 hives and he depressed so much that he gove up almost from beekeeping.
Yeah. I have treated my hives almost 30 years. I can only say that varroa is now much more dangerous than 20 years ago.
I have teached 10 years British beekeepers, what to do with varroa. What I have got? .... 2 hive owners start to teach me how they have mite resistant bees from blessed shurch chimney.
I am not in any shurch. I think that Lord prefer to send into my hive supermites. I want not to try local church bees.