Sounds like he is suggesting removing all the capped frames of brood (and therefore removing any mites that would be sheltered from Oxalic Acid sublimations) from hive 1
Putting these frames of capped brood on a weak hive to strengthen it
Then applying OA to the hive containing all the bees and open brood, so only phoretic mites which are vulnerable to OA.
Surely this would then result in Hive 1 having zero (or close to) mites.
Clearly need to deal with the weak hive too.
One way to do this might be to zap the hive repeatedly with OA to eliminate phoretic and emerging mites.
Another would be to cage the queen for three weeks (21 days), then zap the hive with OA
or you could release her after 14 days and then zap them 7 days later before the newest lavae are capped
Nothing useless about the advice he gave!
Seems to me to be a way to clear an individual hive quite effectively