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was his total number of hives 18? If so how would he be able to apply to the BFA? The standard was 40 min if I remember rightly?

Not according to the lady from the BFA who gave a talk at my association last year, reckoned you could apply with seven hives if you liked.

Margaret was right - it's not as cut and dried as it once was, they've modernised and reorganised, the 40 hives was the old rules where you could apply for an associate membership (sort of a bee smallholder) with that number but had to be in a position to expand within two years, or just plead your case to become a full member. The BFA now accepts that some will make a business with fewer hives, market other honey related products and so on, honey packers, equipment suppliers etc can join. It's important though if you are smll scale to have some kind of sound business plan to satisfy the directors.
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With what was probably an optimistic goal of £4,000, I see this appeal has been allowed to roll on way beyond this and has now netted over £10K and is still rising. Surely that would pay for the damaged kit several times over.
I have just found out that an elderly relative donated £20 of her limited funds to "Save the poor bees" in her words, and I'm troubled by this.
What do you think about the ethics of this continuing appeal, particularly at at this time of limited incomes and struggling charities?
I see it gives the total sum already raised. When I see a figure like that, I can decide whether to add to it or not.

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