I have wintered 20 years bees in poly langstrots. Half are 2-box winterer and half one box.
I take almost all honey off. About 5-10 kg remain in hives. I feed 20 kg on average to hives.
They are nowadays 30hives = 600 kg sugar.
I feed them in September. In Spring I even stores between hives to get rid off winter sugars.
I need not feed them in Spring more.
When I had wooden non insulated hives, they used 50% more food.
Biggest advantage comes from faster spring build up when hives are warm.
Biggest consumption happens in Spring when they have brood.
My bees live with sugar from September to May.
My bees are happy. They are most happy when they fly after me stings pointing towards my neck.
.if some hive is not happy, I change the queen.