Unbelievable !

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Probably tiock all the HSE boxes
I saw that and was going to put it on.

but where was she when they were building it?

Couldnt she see what was happening?
The trouble is, there is a disability discrimination act - fought for for years, and now not complying with the regulations can mean quite hefty fines - local authorities are particularly tied up with this. the specifics for the 'pitch' of any ramp are quite exacting (I recqll researching this when I was improving the disabled access to the club) and seeing the gradient and width of her front lawn I cannot see there being much choice.
I agree though, it looks pretty horrific, maybe instead of just following the letter of the law, they had contacted a local disabled access group there may have been a way to tweak it a bit.
You also have to remember that local authorities are so used to having the pants sued off them by certain numbers of their tenants whenever there's a slight chance of a little earner, the default is always jobsworth mode.
At a cost of £40k and house prices for similar properties between £60-80k re-housing springs to mind.
Wonder what 40,000 sterling is in Groats ?
Am sick of reading about 'regulations'. Country going to hell in a handcart with all this bloody nonsense. Some are reasonable but others just take the p.ss.

There are some absolute jobsworth twits ( Oh, damn this spellchecker!!) that earn a salary just making up more stupid rules to prove they exist.

Rant over... need another coffee and brandy!
Rab C Nesbit is the council leader in Clyde bank ???

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I'm not sure what the problem is here? Wheelchair ramps have maximum gradient of 1:12. Because if it was steeper than that it would be hard for wheel chair users to get up them.

Which is why the council spent EXTRA money to put this in so it was fit for purpose.
Neat gantry plus chair lift would be cheaper .certainly more cosmetic?

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"The maximun height a single ramp should climb before incorporating a landing/rest area is 500mm which should have a gradient no steeper than 1:20 as the height gets lowwer the ramp can become steeper on a sliding scale with a 330mm height requiring a 1:15 gradient and a 150mm height requiring 1:12 gradient"
As well as the sheer cost issue wrt value of the property would it not be better for all involved if the family were relocated to a more suitable properly adapted bungalow?
I have no issue with what the regs say reference slopes etc and that easier access should be made.
It just appears to be a sledge hammer to crack a nut, is this really the best solution that 40k could come up with was my point.
Hey maybe its me, maybe there is no such thing as commonsense anymore.
You are extracting the urine and I am losing the will to live.
Having pushed wheel chairs for over 30 years, this ramp is b.....ks and I would hate to navigate the turns. Knackered before I got to the door.
Too much ' mind your back, deary'. Just get on with it. My back is fine!
Let the councillor who sanctioned this get pushing.
With such people out there :rules:... and on this forum....and the weather... about to slit wrists.:svengo:
It's Scotland and a Scottish Labour Council. So any suggestion of lateral thinking, or saving money etc is going to be grossly optimistic.

Bunch of people used to endless money - from English taxes...

I write as an exiled Scot.
chair lift

Neat and half the cost, at the outside, I would think.

Rehousing might have been an option, but there may have already been other adaptations to the home for the benefit of the child.

They will remove it and fit a lift, I feel sure. Just crass idiocy with absolutely no lateral thinking , or someone with connections to the supplier of said monstrosity.

A friend with MS had one put in for him some 8 years ago. It was the only option for his home, was far steeper and cost about 27k, I believe, but that included a huge amount of reinforcement work to the pavement outside his property - probably about half the cost of the job.

I reckon about ten or twelve grand would buy a simple chair lift (similar to a stair lift but with a platform rather than a seat).
Something simple and effective could of been been built to move a chair or other container with wheels on, for around a hundred quid, small electric winch from e bay or some such place, and a few lengths of 4x2 used in the build.
chair lift

Neat and half the cost, at the outside, I would think.

Rehousing might have been an option, but there may have already been other adaptations to the home for the benefit of the child.

They will remove it and fit a lift, I feel sure. Just crass idiocy with absolutely no lateral thinking , or someone with connections to the supplier of said monstrosity.

A friend with MS had one put in for him some 8 years ago. It was the only option for his home, was far steeper and cost about 27k, I believe, but that included a huge amount of reinforcement work to the pavement outside his property - probably about half the cost of the job.

I reckon about ten or twelve grand would buy a simple chair lift (similar to a stair lift but with a platform rather than a seat).

She was rehoused into this house after she said she's be able to manage the steps. After they discovered they couldn't they then asked for a ramp.

If they had a chair lift it would need to be maintained, also how would they get the wheelchair in the house?
It is a monstrosity .
Ask for maintenance of a chair lift . There are tens of thousands of stair lifts being maintained around the UK for people who are too fat/lazy to walk upstairs . Think of the lass and her Mum!

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Seen it done with an outside lift - enormous great thing in Stainless steel. This was for wheel chair access. it was either that or a funicular railway to solve that access problem.
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