TV Programme

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Makes paint drying look exciting. Not watching any more - I gave up after 18 minutes.
What a load of rubbish - there is not one person on the whole programme that I would wish to spend any time with, at all, ever!

The dynamic duo get a job to take the bees from Epping to Norwich for £100 and arrive so late in the day that they have to spend £89 on a hotel! With this sort of planning what could possibly go wrong on the journey!

I might just watch it tomorrow to see what these herberts do to the bees!


PS - the above forgets of course that they are making a cheap TV programme, so the producers want the lorry drivers to say and do stupid things to add interest to the final programme - remember Martha Kearney's bees and her artificial natural swarm (queen in a cage nailed to a fence post and bees dropped on the cage/fence post to form the swarm) - so embarrassing!
William? Up to his old tricks again?
Pity the poor sods who get .... or rather don't get.... his bees.

Hello, my name’s William Alldis, owner of Bees & Nucs, and I’m always happy to talk to customers regarding bees and beekeeping – please feel free to email or call me.

I’m aiming to produce around 600 nuclei of bees for sale in 2014.
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I’m aiming to produce around 600 nuclei of bees for sale in 2014.

.....what colour is your DeLorean?
What a load of rubbish I recorded, not worth the space on the hard disc.
I Googled William Alldis and came across this

I may record the next programme as the customer is near me.


Ah yes ... I remember now ...:icon_204-2::icon_204-2:

If they had any sense they would have done the move overnight .. lot cooler and the new owner would have less grief than trying to site hives that have been shaken up and probably ready to kill once they are let loose at the other end ... but there again - I would have thought William would have known that ... 600 Nucs with 30,000 bees in each of them ? Not from the look of the few that were on the frame I saw him handling ... Nearer 3000 ...

But ... it's not real is it ?? :sifone::sifone:
I know it's only tv, but where do they get these people from. These 2 will be doing 2 days work for a loss.

And the real moral of the sorry tale is...................

Buy local bees
How can charlatans fail their customers miserably move on and set up again to do the same thing.....bloody disgrace!
Well ,,,,after reading all of that.
I can only say if Brian Rivet is online and wants any more bees !

I'm 4 miles down the road and have overwintered nucs available.
You're welcome to inspect the nucs before your free delivery.

P.s. Mike T is 4 miles in other direction & Pete D is 15 mins down the road with nearly as many nuc's as Pa#nes.....
Buy local.... And miss out the stress of transport..
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Well ,,,,after reading all of that.
I can only say if Brian Rivet is online and wants any more bees !

I'm 4 miles down the road and have overwintered nucs available.
You're welcome to inspect the nucs before your free delivery.

It's no use Jed ... You won't get fame and fortune doing something sensible - have you not seen the Apprentice or Dragons Den ? What you need to do is find a really stupid idea for a TV show if you want to be successful ... something like 'The Naked Beekeeper' should get people interested ....
The Naked BeeKeeper !!!!!!!!!
That's a fab idea for TV show !!!!
But 'I'll probably have to wear wellies and gloves for health and safely reasons.

" My I will look good "

My wife has now read this post. And come up with the idea that ,if I was to breed AMMs.
The show could be called " The Natural Native Beekeeper"
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I recorded the last 2 episodes, what a lode of *******. I scanned through.
Bees became angry and the driver threw water from a bottle over them although he was told to spray them.

They didn't carry bee suits in case of emergency no water sprays to cool the bees down.

They left Essex at 11.00am in brilliant sunshine, it was still sunny when they stopped but when they arrived at their drop off (not Kings Lynn but 20 miles South) it was foggy. Looks as though it was filmed on 2 days. Continuity was wrong.

It they were carrying livestock they would have had to take a test for journeys over 65km. This EU regulation came into effect 5th January 2008. Maybe commercial hauliers should have to take the test to carry bees.

I will not be watching further programmes.

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