"intrusive management", with all the "delights" of drone culling, queen clipping, marking and replacing, use of smoke, every few days inspections, pinching all the honey and replacing with sugar etc etc....

You are making me feel ill.
So if we were to run a National hive on a sustainable basis this is how would we do it:
* Routine inspections only when needed
* decrease swarming pressure by taller brood box (14x12) and no queen excluder (wider boxes do not seem to do so well, so a Warre 300mm or max National 460 mm width box would seem to be preferable)
* Nadir brood boxes from bottom if needed in Spring for expansion to maintain brrod warmth and aromor
* Add supers at top in summer (brood now being several boxes below top should be safe enough?
* crown board with only one hole and a plug to seal it up when not in use or a solid crown board as we will not be feeding
* restrained honey crop with plenty of honey left (also cluster does not get trapped below a queen excluder)
* use of water instead of smoke
* entrance block with small openings
* use frames without foundation but just with a starter strip. Natural comb really only happens in a Warre hive when used with 'spales' as in Japan. Top bars do place some restriction on bees as we dictate the spacing between combs and their direction, so are not entirely natural. Of course the bees are able to build the comb below the bar as they choose as a free comb which is a huge improvement but the same could be achieved by a frame without foundation. Earlier editions of Warre's book had his hive with frames, half frames and the newer Delon wire support. I am moving towards use of frames as I have been unable to solve the extraction problem, except by the chop up and press and strain method.
Of course most of the above would be considered good practice in a TBH - but the hive itself does not prohibit bad practice, too frequent inspections, small brood areas with queen excluders, loss of warmth and smell through constant openings
Anyone else got any ideas along these lines?