Well the Americans had a choice between someone caught being corrupt and getting off scot free due to strings being pulled vs a guy that's childish at times and made the mistake of getting caught recorded talking ****.
She's a career criminal politician who's had 30 years with the snout in the trough who's throughout talked big and achieved nothing at all as a senator. She's arrogantly believed she had the divine right to the presidency.
Personally I don't think she's fit to rule due to the scandals and her lack of substance and her questionable health all of which the media has done its best to say nothing about any of it. Though I'll speculate the truth behind her ill health will come out full blown to garner sympathy with a judge if trump decides to push for prosecution. I also find the leaking of the DNC emails thanks to Wikileaks that they completely rigged the nomination against Bernie Sanders a travesty against democracy. He was the popular candidate but even he sold out to her campaign post rigging as they have dirt on him. Also the independent candidate Jill Stein had way more substance than Hillary for those who wanted to go down the vote for ovaries and ****s brigade.
Yes she's got the experience of the games of politics but she's not fit to lead she's turned it into a vessel of personal wealth making... I find the whole transition from vote for him because he's half black half white to vote for her because she's got ****s and ovaries absurd but not unexpected given the idiocy of some people. She's had or currently has 3 full blown federal investigations against her or her holdings running or swept under the carpet which the mainstream media again fails to report.
On the other hand he's got no filter and isn't afraid to tell people what he really thinks, that Is a double edged sword, it resonates with the people as it feels a lot more transparent but will ruffle feathers will other nations leaders. Same with him being a businessman with his acumen he will either pull America out of its decline or line his own pockets. I don't think he will necessarily be for corporate or globalist interests as unlike Clinton he's not bought and paid for by George Soros or other globalist corporate entities. She would have been in their pocket all the way, whereas he's uncontrollable as they don't have anything on him. I believe hence why the left leaning globalist mainstream media has done their best to crap all over him and treat him with scorn and like a joke. The amount of negative media time against him compared to her has been overwhelming. Meanwhile their reaction to the WikiLeaks disclosure of corruption and other law breaking has had a reaction of "Meh" and not a hint of reporting with any substance, with just a vague mention of scandal and then instantly moving on.
Dismissively in doing this they have exposed their complete bias to the free thinking people and whilst they have whipped the left leaning cry babies, feminists and social justice warrior sheeple to foaming at the mouth and venting faux outrage and doom saying.
All this **** is nothing but hypocrisy and all the whiners are nothing but totalitarian mouthpieces who would be happy to deny others their rightful vote because they like the other candidate. Essentially those who bleat the most about their rights are blinded that they are essentially oppressors in waiting with a collective one sided mob mentality without the ability to balance their arguments. The media is guilty as sin but cant be held to account.
For example: Nerrrrr the racist wants to build a wall to keep the Mexicans out. Racist *Foams* *Screeches*
Rational response: Yes that's called boarder control. Get access via the legal way via visa and the citizenship program... Walls also tends to stop drugs coming up via the drug cartels in Mexico... (You know the guys Obama sold lots of guns to who behead their enemies and leave them as signs).
Think of it this way based on the BBC etc. position of broadcasting Trump is a racist. Take Florida and the deep south for example, The population of those areas have a very large black and Latino population. If all the ******** is to be believed how did they vote for him, how did those states go into republican control? Is that not a logical question. Essentially the black population have been left disappointed by Obama as he's done nothing but race bait with Al Sharpelton, the little gangsta and criminal shooting of Trayvon Martin and BLM nonsense. Meanwhile Obamacare has been nothing but a shambles which has left people spending more on health insurance than their mortgage or rent. The removal of military forces from the middle east (Which granted should never have even started) also caused the instability which led to ISIS. Yes the Americans gave weapons to those sick people again who's president and who was secretary of state at the time? Yes Obama and Clinton. Also thanks to WikiLeaks one of Clintons largest donors and financiers the Saudi leadership were said to be known to be funding ISIS... The media have said jack all about WikiLeaks and there's plenty of gems in there if you take a look and lets you know how politicians especially the Democrats operate.
I don't feel any coverage has been fair or unbiased nor have they given a proper account of Trump. He has been a lot more substance regarding keeping business in (e.g. 30% tax on company products if they leave the US and then try to sell products back). She's been large on smear and waffle but very little else.
Sanders vs Trump would have probably worked out differently but lets be honest the corrupt meddlers were never gonna let that happen to their own detriment. It will be interesting if Trump really does try to drain the swamp.... But for now I'll have to be satisfied with this popcorn watching all the uninformed mouth foamers and SJWs venting their outrage with little to no research or substance let alone can run their own lives properly...