To late to super

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In the South West there is still time to let the bees collect more before varroa treating - Go for it!!
One super on each of three hives this afternoon :)
I'm in too minds weather to super too from a nuc from 17 July, coming on 8 frames nearly need to recount tonight and make a decision (be it I interfered with them and pinched a frame of brood friday to even out the other hive). Not sure weather when to put a super on that's undrawn and when to start hivemakers treatment. Im pritty sure the weaker hive doesnt need one.
Just a short note I have on hive in the orchard that is bursting at the seems is it to late to pop on a super they were hive in early July?
Hived a large swarm last monday July 30th. Looked yesterday, drawing out final frame of foundation. Brood box packed with eggs and nectar so super went straight on (drawn comb). Not holding my breath but good flow still on, can only hope!!!
I'm paring down for treatment here on the welsh borders. No balsam, sob sob, just took the honey off, most uncapped this year but looks ripe enough! Our main flows are over, just small amounts coming in.
Are you finding the same mate up there in the deep grass, I had a look up on the lake near the orchard and the Rose-bay-willow herb is just starting to flower there a patch of about 400sq meters.

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