Wordle 793 4/6* new 62 possible, big group of 5 possible picked this to help if the group, bit mad to replay same 2&4?? - thought it might not allow me since I knew they were misplaced. Still 27!! only 1
Wordle 793 4/6* old 55 with groups of 5,3,3,3etc 9 (2 groups of 2) 4 fairly sure, 2 possibles might force 5 full dictionary try "or..." for elimination: 1 only
Both routes there was lots of analysis and thought.
Not sure what I learnt... new was a bit scary but did end better.
Wordle 794 3/6* new 136, a few groups 5 and less only 1 now
Wordle 794 5/6* old 53, looked for groups - missed 4th letter 5, but 4 in a group. Could be a 6 still 3 2...
New wins, my choice at try 2 was lucky to be so effective though I just used the popular letters.
Over last 22 games new averaged 3.5 and old got 3.6; both pretty good averages.