Thymol recipe against Nosema & fermentation of syrup feed...

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I wish that it could be made clearer that THIS is for the emulsified syrup recipe - nothing primarily to do with varroa treatment!
Thanks for this. I was given an American recipe using essential oils which I use personally for various things. but i may try this as American measurements of pints and gallons are different to the English. Figures are not my strong point so this might be better. Have you ever thought about treating the water source or is it not on your land.
Hi Admin

Please could you confirm that you mean 30g and not 30mg of Thymol as this is 10x greater than that suggested on the BBKA site by Eric Beaumont see -------------/members/forum.php?t=5578
I made this up two years ago and used it as prescribed. 30g in 150 mls isopropyl alcohol (I'm sure this was called propan-2-ol when I was at school) with a teaspoon of lecithin granules to emulsify the thymol.
Still have the stock bottle.
You can use the rest of the lecithin on your morning cereal to lower your cholesterol......seemingly.
I have some of the non soya lethinin version, is there a way I can at the soya to that so as to not waste what has already been made?
Does anyone have any idea how long the stock bottle would be good for?
For all the doubting Thomases;
Thymol (2-isopropyl-5-methylphenol) is the main monoterpene phenol occurring in essential oils isolated from plants belonging to the Lamiaceae family (Thymus, Ocimum, Origanum, and Monarda genera), and other plants such as those belonging to the Verbenaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Ranunculaceae, and Apiaceae families. These essential oils are used in the food industry for their flavouring and preservative properties, in commercial mosquito repellent formulations for their natural repellent effect, in aromatherapy, and in traditional medicine for the treatment of headaches, coughs, and diarrhea. Many different activities of thymol such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, local anaesthetic, antinociceptive, cicatrizing, antiseptic, and especially antibacterial and antifungal properties have been shown. This review aims to critically evaluate the available literature regarding the antibacterial and antifungal effects of thymol.
There was some talk of bees being afflicted with Nosema during Winter, but too cold for the bees to be able to take syrup; if one wanted to use Thymol to try and help clear the Nosema the best thing to do would be to add a Feeder Frame with this Syrup / Thymol mix, but because of the concern of opening the hive in Winter, could a home made Sugar Block or Fondant be added on top of the crown board (which would have a hole in it) with the Thymol added to the liquid that is thoroughly mixed into the Sugar instead???

I understand that this is something the more experienced members would probably never contemplate, as many of you will ensure that your hives will not have Nosema going into Winter, but this could be very useful to the less experienced ones??

In essence I am asking: Can this Thymol treatment be used with Fondant (or a sugar block) instead of syrup; with one kilo of sugar provided in Fondant containing the same amount of Thymol as one kilo of sugar in the syrup mix outline by Hivemaker?