The things you can do with a bit of burnt stick

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Sep 4, 2011
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Thought I'd post this just because I think it's gobsmacking. I'm sure I've mentioned before that my daughter is doing Art A Level. She also wants to do an Art degree. Today we visited someone who used to live just up the road whose family we got to know because they had children of a similar age to ours, to find out a bit about how he works and how he ended up doing what he does. He's a couple of years older than me and has worked all his professional life as an artist. Almost all his works are life size (even the bull, which I have seen "for real" and the whale, which I haven't), generally drawn using charcoal.

I'd love to own some of his work, but I know it often sells for five-figure sums (though the galleries take a very big chunk of that).

The bull is phenomenal. I wouldn't believe that wasn't a photo if you didn't say so.

If I ever won the lottery, I would have to buy that.

As would I. And even having seen it I struggle to get my head around the scale of it. It's a "drawing" that's a shade under three metres wide by two metres high. I'm not sure that would even fit on my office wall.

Absolutely phenomenal. Just beyond me how it’s possible!

To make it as an artist it seems you have to have raw undiluted talent, as this man, or raw undiluted bull excrement, to convince idiots that an unmade bed is worthy of being called art.
Absolutely phenomenal. Just beyond me how it’s possible!

To make it as an artist it seems you have to have raw undiluted talent, as this man, or raw undiluted bull excrement, to convince idiots that an unmade bed is worthy of being called art.
Or a random pile of bricks
Thought I'd post this just because I think it's gobsmacking. I'm sure I've mentioned before that my daughter is doing Art A Level. She also wants to do an Art degree. Today we visited someone who used to live just up the road whose family we got to know because they had children of a similar age to ours, to find out a bit about how he works and how he ended up doing what he does. He's a couple of years older than me and has worked all his professional life as an artist. Almost all his works are life size (even the bull, which I have seen "for real" and the whale, which I haven't), generally drawn using charcoal.

I'd love to own some of his work, but I know it often sells for five-figure sums (though the galleries take a very big chunk of that).

Beautiful! Does he do prints of his work (maybe more affordable for me), I really love the nests!
Beautiful! Does he do prints of his work (maybe more affordable for me), I really love the nests!

I think the nests are outstanding too. Sadly I don't think he does prints (or perhaps his gallery doesn't; I'm not sure how these things work -- the gallery may well be in control).

Thought I'd post this just because I think it's gobsmacking. I'm sure I've mentioned before that my daughter is doing Art A Level. She also wants to do an Art degree. Today we visited someone who used to live just up the road whose family we got to know because they had children of a similar age to ours, to find out a bit about how he works and how he ended up doing what he does. He's a couple of years older than me and has worked all his professional life as an artist. Almost all his works are life size (even the bull, which I have seen "for real" and the whale, which I haven't), generally drawn using charcoal.

I'd love to own some of his work, but I know it often sells for five-figure sums (though the galleries take a very big chunk of that).

I doubt I have the brassica for any of these

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