The fraudsters are at it again.... heads up.

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Poly Hive

Queen Bee
Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
Scottish Borders
Hive Type
Number of Hives
12 and 18 Nucs
Just had an attempted phishing expedition. Phone rings and there is a garbled female voice telling me to press one to speak to an Amazon person regarding my account. I did so and the English was bad to say the least and it seems my Prime membership is being used in California. I phoned Amazon and have now had it confirmed that this was complete rubbish and I have changed my logins as a result. If it sounds dodgy it usually is.....

I never respond to these calls.
For all I know pressing that button would cost me £50
If I’m in the mood I do sometimes string computer fixers along.
My most recent one was telling me that my internet had been used to look at illegal sites and to press 1 to speak to someone about it or my name would be reported to Interpol. This happens twice and then you get an international number ring your phone saying that it is Interpol and press 1 to speak to a detective!!!!!!
Needless to say I did neither of the latter and am not admitting to the former!!!!!
I have a favourite saying when I receive spam phone calls - usualy 1-2pm..

It is two words involving sex and a journey..
Just had an attempted phishing expedition. Phone rings and there is a garbled female voice telling me to press one to speak to an Amazon person regarding my account. I did so and the English was bad to say the least and it seems my Prime membership is being used in California. I phoned Amazon and have now had it confirmed that this was complete rubbish and I have changed my logins as a result. If it sounds dodgy it usually is.....


Truecall works a great, never get a dodgy call now.
I'm getting fraudsters trying to get me install smart meters.
No chance, you won't take my tinfoil away.
I never respond to these calls.
For all I know pressing that button would cost me £50
If I’m in the mood I do sometimes string computer fixers along.

did it once (after being barraged with calls) kept him on for ages, SWMBO was in the room and she was in stitches - I explained in great detail about my difficulty in streaming porn, especially when trying to fast forward the boring bits - he eventually just called me a f........g pervert and hung up, never had a problem since :D get an international number ring your phone saying that it is Interpol and press 1 to speak to a detective!!!!!!

Now you are one person who surely needs no detective? :D

he eventually just called me a f........g pervert and hung up, never had a problem since :D

did it once (after being barraged with calls) kept him on for ages, SWMBO was in the room and she was in stitches - I explained in great detail about my difficulty in streaming porn, especially when trying to fast forward the boring bits - he eventually just called me a f........g pervert and hung up, never had a problem since :D
Haha JB
Very similar to me
A few of us have a competition going on who can keep them on the line the longest, im in second place with 7 mins, but my mate Stu has had them on the line for over 11 mins!!
i was told to throw my computer away and then put the phone down on me :)
When I had a voice and we recieved a dodgy phone call I would tell the caller that they had contacted Bovington Sand and Gravel Company and ask how many tons of sand/gravel they wanted...Sometimes I would say that they had phoned Ystradfechan golf course and I was the duty greenkeeper......These days I rely on Call Guardian, works a treat..
Veitch is classic
I ended up in some dodgy debt database despite having no debt whatsoever
Had calls literally every 15 minutes 9-5 for days
I started with explaining I have no debt at all, remove me from your database
Then I tried disconnecting or leaving phone next to TV/porn/on kitchen table/in back garden
Some of them were trying for few minutes despite noone answering them
Got second number later and just swapped them, there was no other way
Years later I still get occasional call on that number about debt, credit cards, PPI
Now I use disposable mailboxes and burner phones for non critical activity and separate mail accounts for everything
When I had a voice and we recieved a dodgy phone call I would tell the caller that they had contacted Bovington Sand and Gravel Company and ask how many tons of sand/gravel they wanted...Sometimes I would say that they had phoned Ystradfechan golf course and I was the duty greenkeeper......These days I rely on Call Guardian, works a treat..

My mate used to respond to all unknown numbers with 'lenins mausoleum, what' in russian accent, worked every time
A number of years ago, a work colleague used to answer the phone with, "Hello! City morgue, you stab em, we slab em". All went quiet the other end of the phone.

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