The curse of nut juice

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International Beekeeper of Mystery
BeeKeeping Supporter
Mar 30, 2011
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Too many - but not nearly enough
Not a pretty picture. $200 per hive taken to the almond orchards! Pics suggest some comb-change needed plus bee-suit laundry!
Stumbled across this, it's an old article, but still food for thought and does somehow lift the lid off the almond industry and some US commercial beekeeping practices in general (we all know that as well as the bad there are plenty of good commercials out there.

Typical Guardian article " More bees die every year in the US than all other fish and animals raised for slaughter combined. "

No mention that the life of a honeybee is so short that the number of deaths will be several times the total population at its peak.
well you have to brush through the hyperbolae with whatever paper writes when it comes to bees to get to the guts of the story it seems. Unfortunately quoting colony mortality numbers and such doesn't really figure with the majority of the great unwashed so individual numbers have to be used.

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