Teaching a child to bicycle

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Thanks PH and Headnavigator - time to find a spanner, some bone friendly flat land and hopefully get someone riding...
I had to give in and admit that my knee just can't cope with offroading a couple of years ago and had to sell this

Oh yes the bees Knees for sure... only problem with the Model 50 MK11CS is that it is lacking in the suspension department....
sorry folks

some of us get a BUZZZZZ out of this in the winter

My pride and joy...My helmet


Guess who?


Ps, i leaned to ride a bike when i was 8 years old and was being chased by the father of the owner of the bike i had just stole/found. Its amazing how fast you can learn when your neck is on the line…
i remember being taught by my dad running along side me holding the saddle with no stabilzers when he could not keep up he let go without saying anything and not knowing carried on straight into a parked car i learnt how to steer next time and BRAKE mind i was only 4 at the time no wonder my head has been a bit funny since lol
LOl made me chuckle.

I well remember struggling up a long hill aged about 8 and hitting the back of a parked car... taught me to look where I was going..

winker thats not a bike thats a hair drier on two wheels P.S. love the helmit design though groovy
winker thats not a bike thats a hair drier on two wheels P.S. love the helmit design though groovy

Thats just my Beekeeping Bike, which i use to get to my out apiary. I also own this, which goes with the helmet


now thats a bike but i think you got the helmits round the wrong way lol
ps i just noticed the viking hat was from someone else got to laugh at the thought though:rofl:
winker i am not even going to ask the question!!!!!!lol
The youngest at 2 and a half.

The secret of teaching a child to ride is to have an older brother who can do it. The youngest was so angry about this that he simply got on and rode the thing.
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LOL Great pic and thanks for steering the thread back.

Less balancing involved, but do members mostly go for scorcher petrol quads or the more sedate and workmanlike diesels?

nice pic rae but i have to say that master rae seems to have a bit more balance than mrs rae in the pic

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