Swarms 2022

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Nov 26, 2008
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Haddenham Buckinghamshire
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Number of Hives
I was called to the first swarm I have received this year on 14/04/22.
The bees are in a disused chimney of a local farm house and the usual swarm cloud was milling about. As we watched they returned to their abode. Yesterday was obviously just the practice run. The householders are on alert for a full swarm today or tomorrow. I think the gentleman is taking my advice and sittting outside with his gin!!!
I was called to the first swarm I have received this year on 14/04/22.
The bees are in a disused chimney of a local farm house and the usual swarm cloud was milling about. As we watched they returned to their abode. Yesterday was obviously just the practice run. The householders are on alert for a full swarm today or tomorrow. I think the gentleman is taking my advice and sittting outside with his gin!!!

Possibly a mating flight?
Sometimes life is not only weirder than you imagine: it's weirder than you can imagine.

A better use for salt than some other ideas
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I was called to the first swarm I have received this year on 14/04/22.
The bees are in a disused chimney of a local farm house and the usual swarm cloud was milling about. As we watched they returned to their abode. Yesterday was obviously just the practice run. The householders are on alert for a full swarm today or tomorrow. I think the gentleman is taking my advice and sittting outside with his gin!!!
Possibly a swarm taking up residence as old colony died?
Just been to the mother in laws to check on her bees (Merseyside) she has just had a hip replacement so struggling at the minute. She said loads of bees coming & going a couple of weeks ago but hardly any movement this past week.
Got in there and found hardly any stores and just a few bees hardly covering 2 National brood frames. Initial thought was absconding but then saw just 1 fresh open Queen cell, and a new virgin Queen there. Really surprised how few bees left
Checked 4 of my bait hives today no scouts yet, 2 of those are in a small wood where I at least two swarms most years!
Great that you went to help though. Good job!!!
Massive help - indications are swarmed on Tuesday - last inspected previous week so although there were play cups they weren’t charged. However this week has been commuting 2 hours each way to Croydon so no opportunity.

However now have a second NUC as took advantage of the Queen cells for a retrospective split (main hive was absolutely full of bees) -the overwintered NUC will be going to a fellow beek who lost their bees, new NUC will be Bailey comb change down to national from 14 x 12 for another beek who lost their bees overwinter.

Also had the overwinter NUCs owner come to give a hand - we all started last year and W0otz get as much use of electric extractor as needed 👍🏻
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