For comb honey production most serious producers pre wire the frames. Two or four horizontal wires dependant on whether you are using shallows or deeps (we use Lang deeps for this job).
With tight wires firmly embedded the foundation never sags. When ready to cut the comb simply snip the wires outside the end bars. With a battery charger or car battery,,,attach one end to a set of pliers and grip one end of the wire. Touch the other end with the clip from the other terminal and gently pull with the pliars. Thec wire cleanly pulls out in a couple of seconds.
Sounds involved but its not. Its very fast to fillet them this way.
Also....Finman knows what he is talking about....its not necessary to use the very thinnest foundation,,,,the bees do a decent job on the next grade up.
If harvest matters to you then starter strips will take about a third off your crop compared to using full sheets and except in the heaviest flows increase the risk of a rare old mess. Done the experiments years ago and have posted the details here before. Starter strips are a complete false economy.
Foundationless was never even thought of as an option when these trials were done but is a current fashion with a minority. I cannot comment on that way, but would not even consider it myself.