So mini-update/hiccup with interim findings which have not been statistically analysed yet...
One of the student projects involves looking at the amount of pollen in shop bought honey vs. local honey (in this case mine). Thus far, there is pollen in the shop bought honey, even the cheap one, and lots in the heather honey but my summer multifloral honey from two different sites seems not to have any in it...
Which is a bit odd.
I have a hypothesis for the difference but it's not proven...
1. Pollen and nectar are usually collected using different apparatus, stored separately and levels of stored pollen will generally be lower in supers than brood areas, so should we expect much pollen in honey?
2. Nectar/honey will spin out of comb but pollen won't so there is likely to be less pollen in the honey with this method
3. When extracting heather honey I crush the comb, press it and strain it, which would effectively mix in any cells of stored pollen, hence higher amounts in the heather sample.
I will be giving/selling (there is a project budget) the student some ivy honey to repeat this with as it was extracted similarly to the heather stuff.
However, this does not explain why the shop bought honeys have more pollen than my honey... especially the cheap runny one which has presumably been extracted by spinning, ultrafiltered to stop crystallisation and possibly pasteurised. Surely this would start with similar levels of pollen to mine and have those levels reduced, not end up with more.
Does make me wonder about the whole 'fake honey' situation and potential for pollen to be added to make it look real. However, I believe one of the samples the student procured was a supermarket 'premium' type set honey produced in the UK, and this has more pollen than mine too.
As I said, a bit odd. Suggestions here may be relayed on to the student for consideration.
TL,DR: Is there a chance a couple of people might want to sell me a jar of summer honey to add into the mix for the student to investigate? I'd particularly be interested in any from a batch which has been sent off for pollen analysis elsewhere, so we'll know there should be some pollen in it, but anything will do.