An comparative study of of how much honey / chemicals are in supermarket honey vs sugar water etc etc compared to a similar number of samples from random beeks. At the price people sell you should be able to get plenty of samples

A random study of how much honey a hive genuinely produces ie contact a hundred beeks and establish how many hives / how many suppers how many L/ lb honey they extract. In any given year. compare the results to what beaks report on here. Or is regurgitated in books.
It might produce a realistic rather than regurgitated figures given in books or the oft quoted my best hive in produced xxx who knows if selected beeks have kept proper hive records you may be able to demonstrate the effect of honey production on climate change.
Not suggesting people exaggerate or under declare but I know lots of bricklayers ,quantity surveyors and customers , that think a bricky lays 1000 bricks a day …but In 40 years I have only Seen 1 do it.

Ask groups of beaks control questions and see how many different answers you really get. This could be compared with asking Controle questions of say train spotters , migrants seeking asylum & politicians to determine if there are any social or economic variances.

Undertake a study of plants sold by garden centres as good for bees and see if a honey bee ever visits any of them.
I genuinely think your idea is great and hope you find the right question and a student to take it forward.