sugar cost and when to buy

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I start the syrup now and let them take it down until they stop - The ivy then tops up what they use between now and then hopefully and then fondant in the really cold weather as their Christmas/New Year gift. In slabs not little containers over a crown board the cluster can't find if they are not directly below the hole. Then just keep an eye on them. Keep it simple.
I start the syrup now and let them take it down until they stop - The ivy then tops up what they use between now and then hopefully and then fondant in the really cold weather as their Christmas/New Year gift. In slabs not little containers over a crown board the cluster can't find if they are not directly below the hole. Then just keep an eye on them. Keep it simple.
That’s too early for me. My queens still need room to lay bees that will overwinter.
Supers will go under sometime soon, maybe tomorrow looking at the weather forecast.
Then I’ll check stores in a week.
If the weather looks good for Ivy I’ll hang back a bit otherwise invert goes on mid September ish
Well a lot of mine will have there own stores for winter either summer/heather/ivy stores anything that’s light will get fondant early September, can’t be doing with feeding kilos and kilos of sugar that’s just crazy
I've been shopping around as thinking I'll use invert this year now I'm up on hive numbers. Cheapest at the moment looks like old castle farms.
Need to work out how much I'll need per hive but certainly won't be feeding for a bit. The ivy flow is generally pretty good at my apiaries so will monitor them and top up if needed.
I've been shopping around as thinking I'll use invert this year now I'm up on hive numbers. Cheapest at the moment looks like old castle farms.
Need to work out how much I'll need per hive but certainly won't be feeding for a bit. The ivy flow is generally pretty good at my apiaries so will monitor them and top up if needed.
Took my main honey crop off early August. Thought that was it, but they'd filled another 6 supers so extracted that yesterday. Brood boxes are clogged with stores, so undersupered yesterday as well. And the ivy here (Rutland) is just starting to come out in one or two places. Pretty sure I won't be feeding this autumn, at least.
I've been shopping around as thinking I'll use invert this year now I'm up on hive numbers. Cheapest at the moment looks like old castle farms.
Need to work out how much I'll need per hive but certainly won't be feeding for a bit. The ivy flow is generally pretty good at my apiaries so will monitor them and top up if needed.
if you are feeding 25 hives, it's wiser to get a half pallet, or even a pallet directly from Belgosuc's UK agent Wyefield apiaries - regardless of the 'best before' date it never goes off. Do it soon though as international sugar prices usually go up in October
Thanks for the tip. I'm at 30 hives now so will contact them.
if you are feeding 25 hives, it's wiser to get a half pallet, or even a pallet directly from Belgosuc's UK agent Wyefield apiaries - regardless of the 'best before' date it never goes off. Do it soon though as international sugar prices usually go up in October
Would they still take fondant down and store it in cooler autumn months? Thanks
Yes if the area the fondant in is not too cold.
I feed fondant in tubs within insulation above the crown board during winter if the colony is light.
Thanks for the tip. I'm at 30 hives now so will contact them.
I use BAKO. I negotiated a rate of about £14.60 /12.5kg a few months ago. They will deliver for free if you order a minimum of £150 so I often only order 11 at a time and they will normally deliver within the week,!
Haven't found it necessary to feed my hives at all end of summer/autumn, for the last three years. I keep double broods so they've packed plenty of stores in the top box by the time i take the supers off and there's plenty of ivy here for them to top up with.
Only time I might feed is in the spring, using fondant, and only if they're really light.
Mine are double brooders and food levels vary enormously. One has seven frames of honey in the top box, others almost nothing, storing honey in the supers. It will be a case of judging each colony individually regarding when and how much to feed.
Mine are double brooders and food levels vary enormously. One has seven frames of honey in the top box, others almost nothing, storing honey in the supers. It will be a case of judging each colony individually regarding when and how much to feed.
It's certainly down to your bees, keep bees who are sensible and always maintain some stores around the brood nest ;)
It's certainly down to your bees, keep bees who are sensible and always maintain some stores around the brood nest ;)
I shall have to interrogate new queens more vigorously to determine if they’re sensible or not!😂

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