I've watched a few videos recently with beeks sublimating with holes above.. If you don't ask
Emyr I'm a noob when it comes to using a sublimox.. If it wasn't for everyone on here I would of carried on trickling OA and such.. For some reason I had some sort of hangup with OA in general..
But to me vaping OA is the best form of varroa treatment around its modern(even though its been around for a while) and has people talking about it more than any other treatment which stands for something.
All associations should have some sort of course to teach others how to use it via vaping rather than trickle treatments.
Any one in the future that I mentor will be shown how to use it.
Among even my association members I don't think it ls used..
Beeks are to stuck in there ways.
And need to think out side of every box.. How else can one improve there learning..